Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Free Lunch at the Library

    From New York to Ohio to California, librarians have teamed up with the USDA summer food service program, along with other non-profits, to feed kids dependent on free/reduced-price lunches during the school year. Using census data to locate communities of greatest need and data to measure participation trends, the collaborative has witnessed a surge in effectiveness and impact across the states. Families, librarians, and public officials alike express satisfaction and enthusiasm for the initiative and its future.

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  • Keeping an Eye on What the Arctic Throws Down Iceberg Alley

    Although many know the name of the Titanic, not many are necessarily aware of what happened in the aftermath of the devastating crash. To mitigate against another ship hitting an iceberg, the International Ice Patrol under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea was created. This group monitors icebergs that obstruct the traffic in the trans-Atlantic shipping lanes via flyovers by airplanes conducting ice reconnaissance flights. Due to climate change, however, there has been a recent push for enhanced satellite coverage.

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  • A Cheap Fix for Climate Change? Pay People Not to Chop Down Trees

    In a randomized experiment in western Uganda, scientists demonstrated the effectiveness of paying rural farmers not to chop down trees since deforestation contributes to CO2 emissions worldwide. They studied for two years the declines in forest cover between a control group (no payment) and the participant group (paid). Building on a United Nations project in which wealthy nations pay poorer ones in an attempt to equalize the costs of responding to climate change, the outcome of the project proves the existence of a low-cost environmental policy solution to stemming rising global temperatures.

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  • Sustainability Report: High-Tech Coral Reef Monitoring

    Increasing coral reef resiliency has become a top priority for many marine scientists, leading to the creation of new tools that take advantage of new technology. Benthic Ecosystem and Acidification Measurements System (BEAMS) is one such creation that acts as an autonomous reef monitoring system, allowing researchers to collect data continuously and at a previously unparalleled rate.

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  • Pop-Up Bike Network Leads to Permanent Change

    A bike share system as well as a pop-up experiment that added eight miles of temporary bike lanes in Macon, Georgia more than doubled the number of people riding bikes on the streets every day. It also showed county officials bike lanes were viable and desirable and now there are modest plans underway for three miles of permanent bike lanes and advocates are pushing for the county to adopt a complete streets policy for the city.

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  • A Fairhill church is redemption central for ex-offenders

    A church in Philadelphia is adept at ministering to those coming out of incarceration and drug use because its two pastors come from that very same world. They hold members accountable, which could mean a required stint in rehab before folks can use the various services of the church like housing, food and help with employment. As a result the recidivism rate of members is about five percent, far lower that the state-wide rate.

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  • Reimagining failure: ‘Last-chance' schools are the future of American high schools

    In the last decade, collaborations between non-profit student-support organizations and public schools have fostered a model called "Last-Chance Schools" with remarkable success. The program targets root causes for dropping out, including economic disadvantages, mental health challenges, violence, and unstable home lives. As several Boston charter schools demonstrate, use of social-emotional learning, conflict mediation instead of zero-tolerance discipline, and flexible curricula has helped boost graduation and college acceptance rates while lowering suspensions.

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  • Black moms die in childbirth 3 times as often as white moms. Except in North Carolina.

    Black American mothers are about 3.5 times more likely to die from complications related to childbirth than white American mothers. A program called Pregnancy Medical Home in North Carolina has contributed to successfully eliminating this disparity by targeting low-income mothers and focusing on risk factors that contribute to poor maternal outcomes. The program is funded by Medicaid and mothers who are identified as being high risk are paired with a care manager who helps them to achieve the health plans set forth by their doctors.

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  • Let's Enjoy Walking for the Benefits of Better Health -- Smart Wellness Point Project

    Japan is a rapidly aging country. To help combat present and future ramifications it has implemented "Smart Wellness City Comprehensive Special Zones to Achieve Health and Longevity" to encourage and reward healthy living. So far it has resulted in citizens leading more active lives, BMI decreases for those who had a BMI of over 25, and lower medical costs.

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  • Doctors Are Prescribing Park Visits to Boost Patient Health Audio icon

    ParkRx, as one of many new programs spanning several states, allow doctors to give out Park Prescriptions to their patients in order to encourage them to go to parks and get physical activity. These programs are a way to encourage exercise, open patient and doctor dialogues, and reduce the use of medications or procedures.

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