Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How an obscure Obamacare provision is quietly saving lives, and money, in Missouri

    Crider Health Center was having trouble coordinating the communication between psychiatry and primary care physicians. In 2012, under the Affordable Care Act, Crider and dozens of other mental health centers in the state of Missouri, received federal funds to pilot “integrated care” for Medicaid recipients as part of the new public policy. The funds have enabled social service agencies to work together with hospitals and mental health centers so that patients receive cost-saving, comprehensive care.

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  • Philadelphia's Soda Tax Is Reducing Consumption—and Maybe Jobs

    Soda taxes are are showing unexpected financial reprecussions, resulting in greater harm to the soda businesses than anticipated leading to massive workforce reductions. A proposed solution is to tax sodas based on how much sugar is in then, rather than a blanket tax.

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  • The Voter Lottery

    Voter turnout is a problem around the world, especially in local elections and among minority groups. But a small group of academics and activists in the US are experimenting with a new way to encourage people to turn up to vote: a lottery. Every voter is entered and one lucky winner gets a big cash prize, eliminating the risk of bribery and bought votes.

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  • Where busing works

    As tensions over race and education continue to be compounded by growing economic inequality and political rhetoric, one school in Connecticut bridges an otherwise widening divide. Schools like R.J. Kinsella Magnet School of Performing Arts - once the poorest and one of the most racially segregated schools in the state - are inspiring voluntary desegregation by offering successful magnet programs and busing students safely and efficiently across neighborhoods. The successful demonstration of integration in Kinsella is serving as a positive model for other schools around the nation.

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  • M-Pesa: Kenya's mobile money success story turns 10

    Ten years ago, Vodafone's Safaricom launched "M-Pesa" a mobile-phone based payment system designed to ease transfer of money in Kenya among individuals and small businesses. With a maximum transaction of 70,000 Kenyan shillings ($675 USD), M-Pesa markets "to the base of the pyramid:" not only has M-Pesa taken root in more than ten other countries, but it counts 18 million active users in Kenya and, through access to a mobile monetary payment system, has lifted 2% of Kenyan households out of extreme poverty.

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  • A simple combination of data and language tweaks is helping recruit more diverse police officers

    To diversify the police force, UK and US research studies have focused on using behavioral economics. The UK's Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) has used behavioural economics and psychology to alter phrasing and messages, in order to attract more diverse applicants and its success has spurred more future projects.

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  • Murder in the City: Deep Causes, Harmful Biases, Unexpected Solutions to Gun Violence

    Young black Jacksonians are afraid to call the police in self defence for fear they will be accused of gang violence and arrested instead of protected. Various programs are using research of violence and recidivism to create programs that address the people most likely to commit violent crimes instead of just putting them in jail.

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  • The Sun Water Solution

    Professor Kevin McGuigan in Dublin has proven that simply leaving contaminated water in a plastic bottle out in the sun for several hours is effective in killing off harmful bacteria like e-coli and provide a simple solution for clean water. But his efforts to bring this simple method of solar disinfection to rural communities in Africa - where disease and death from waterborne bacteria is especially prevalent - have hit a number of sociological and cultural roadblocks.

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  • Riding Along With Milwaukee's Counselors For Traumatized Youths

    Police actions at a crime scene often exacerbate the victim’s trauma and trigger a person with mental illness who is going through a crisis. The Trauma-Informed Response Team in Milwaukee, is part of a national trend to train police officers in crisis intervention so they can identify signs of mental illness, and efficiently and safely get someone in crisis into the care of a mental health professional.

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  • How to Make Public Transportation Safer for Women

    From gender-segregated buses in Tokyo and Rio de Janeiro, to more lighting and staff on Washington, D.C.’s metro system, cities around the world are taking steps to make public transportation safer for women. Some of these methods are contested – especially ones that place the responsibility on women or don’t take into account transgender and genderqueer individuals. Yet, there is a growing body of research suggesting that responding to this problem requires two key elements: a larger, cultural shift regarding harassment and listening to women when they describe what they need.

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