Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • After 36 Years in Prison, This Philadelphian Has a Model for Criminal Justice Reform

    Lack of education was the downfall of one Philadelphia man who spent 36 years in prison, and education proved to be his redemption when he discovered he could do well in coursework. He got a college degree and helped bring the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program to the prison where he was incarcerated. He continues to work with the program, which matches prisoners with college students and professors to help them gain the skills they need, and also fosters more compassion and understanding for those incarcerated.

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  • This former Philadelphia cop had an incredibly simple plan to keep kids out of prison: Don't arrest them.

    The zero-tolerance of Philadelphia's school system towards even minor infractions from students was creating a detrimental school-to-prison pipeline that was doing more long term harm to youth than good. But one former officer took the initiative to break the cycle, founding the Police School Diversion Program to drastically reduce arrests and offer students supportive services such as counseling instead, helping create a more constructive environment for children, educators, and officers alike.

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  • Making Energy with Waves and NASA

    The United States is making its move to catch up with European countries that have found ways to convert the energy of the oceans' waves into a form or useable renewable energy.

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  • How ban-the-box rules help ex-offenders, hurt women, young people

    Ban-the-box legislation can help people with criminal records receive fair consideration as job applicants. However, the employment prospects of other applicants, particularly African American women and young workers, can decrease if employers use alternative methods of weeding out people who may have criminal records, such as prejudging names that signal African American or Hispanic backgrounds and adding educational and experience requirements to job descriptions.

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  • Sea Ice Retreat Could Lead to Rapid Overfishing in the Arctic

    As arctic sea ice continues to melt at alarming rates due to climate change, new concerns about increased exposure of these virgin waters to the ravages of commercial fishing arise. Taking lessons from the population collapse of fish populations in the Bering Straight due to lack of regulation and data, international leaders from nations along the Arctic Circle are working together to protect these new territories and hopefully preserve capacities for the future.

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  • In Philadelphia, school police outnumber counselors

    Students who have experienced trauma, most common in high-poverty areas, are more likely to benefit from counseling and support rather than punishment. However, most large U.S. school districts with high poverty rates and a majority Black and Latino residents hire more school police officers than counselors. This exacerbates rather than resolves discipline issues and creates lifelong repercussions for students.

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  • Larimer caseworker crisis slows child welfare work

    High caseworker turnover in Larimer County has led to poorer outcomes for children and high stress for the caseworkers themselves. To help combat this high turnover the salaries have been increased, retention incentives have been implemented as have job participation rewards and other methods.

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  • Where busing works

    As tensions over race and education continue to be compounded by growing economic inequality and political rhetoric, one school in Connecticut bridges an otherwise widening divide. Schools like R.J. Kinsella Magnet School of Performing Arts - once the poorest and one of the most racially segregated schools in the state - are inspiring voluntary desegregation by offering successful magnet programs and busing students safely and efficiently across neighborhoods. The successful demonstration of integration in Kinsella is serving as a positive model for other schools around the nation.

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  • In rural India, MIT grads aim to improve access to sanitary pads for women

    For women in rural parts of India, it is common to not be taught about the role menstruation plays due to the stigma that surrounds the topic. To bring both a better understanding and better hygienic practices to these areas, a startup has started using "locally-sourced banana fiber to create biodegradable sanitary napkins, which degrade faster if buried and don’t have to be burned" with the goal of increasing access.

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  • The Path Home for Women Veterans

    Women veterans, who often have military sexual trauma, are less likely to sleep outside or stay in shelters for fear of their safety or of losing rights to their kids. Non-profits are attempting to meet women veterans’ needs by creating women veteran shelters and the website,, was created with a listing of state-by-state housing resources for women veterans.

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