Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Baltimore cut its infant mortality rate: Saving the Smallest

    Since B'More for Healthy Babies launched in Baltimore in 2009, Baltimore's infant deaths have dropped by 24 percent, outstripping their home state's progress in the same period by a factor of three, and the nation's by four. Cleveland is at the beginning of its own plan to turn around decades of failure in preventing infant deaths.

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  • In New York City, Police Stops and Crime Are Both Down

    New analyses of crime and enforcement by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the New York Civil Liberties Union show that even as police stops of pedestrians have declined sharply in recent years, New York City has continued to see a drop in crime.

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  • An epidemic of questionable arrests by school police

    Police officers in schools can turn minor disciplinary indiscretions into criminal justice matters and foment the school-to-prison pipeline. To lower arrests, some California districts have imposed formal limits on police powers in school and different police training.

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  • Another Giant Leap

    The rapid development of emerging economies across Asia and Africa is lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty - but there is much debate as to how to best structure this growth. If these economies evolve in the same way as in the West - with unchecked, excessive resource consumption and heavy pollution - the planet may be on the fast track to disaster. Earthrise explores how these nations can grow sustainably using improved, eco-conscious technologies like renewable energy and eco-friendly farming practices.

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  • Removing Children from Abusive Situations at Home Isn't Always the Answer. This Is

    During the early 1990s, New York City had a sky-high number of kids in foster care. Now, it's safely keeping them with their families, placing them in foster care only when necessary.

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  • November in Germany

    Germany admitted around 1 million refugees in 2015. Different parts of the country have experienced success and failure. In Fischen, housing refugees is still a challenge, but business mentors have found a success in training refugees how to do jobs. The city of Stuttgart ran into a crisis housing refugees. However 3,000 volunteers are helping to control the situation. In the east, Halle housed refugees in the center part of its city, inside a “deluxe hotel.” The refugees are susceptible to hateful rhetoric, but there are demonstrators on both sides of the debate.

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  • Listopad v Německu

    Do Německa přicházejí každým dnem tisíce uprchlíků. Jen v roce 2015 jich země přijala zhruba milion. Tato situace přináší do různých oblastí Německa nové výzvy, kterým musí místní čelit. Ve městě Stuttgard zase s integrací uprchlíků, kteří nemají kde bydlet, pomáhají 3 tisíce dobrovolníků. Východoněmecké město Halle krizi s ubytováním imigrantů vyřešilo tak, že jim vyhradilo celý hotel v centru města. To vadí části místních, podle kterých jde o „příliš luxusní“ bydlení. Panuje zde často vyhrocená debata.

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  • We Don't Need to Wait on Congress to Fight Homelessness

    Far too many Americans are homeless, and with congress dragging their feet in implementing funds, it is up to individual places to set up programs to help provide housing. Counties in New Jersey have enacted legislation to fund housing and other services, but in other areas the fight is still on to pass legislation.

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  • When a Supermarket Changes How a Neighborhood Feels About Itself

    In a Pittsburgh food desert, the addition of a new supermarket increased residents' level of satisfaction with their neighborhood. Researching people's relationship with food and their community could improve federal efforts to fight food insecurity and poor eating habits.

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  • Black Wounds Matter

    Little attention is given to black men who are victims of gun violence but survive and need help. An organization in California is mobilizing all gun-violence victims to voice their opinion on criminal justice reform and support for victims.

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