Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Here's the disturbing evidence on how the media inspires mass shooters

    Research has shown there are concrete steps journalists can take to thoughtful cover mass shootings in a way that doesn’t spur the motives of potential copycats. These include reducing the amount a shooter is named, running articles without including a picture of the shooter, and avoidance of certain words to describe the event.

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  • San Francisco Is Changing Face of AIDS Treatment

    The H.I.V. infection rate in San Francisco dropped drastically after the city increased testing and created programs like Rapid, which immediately offer public health insurance, antiretroviral drugs, and personal counselors for people with AIDS.

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  • How Australia and Britain Tackled Gun Violence

    The U.S. continues to resist restrictive gun laws. Australia and Britain significantly decreased mass shootings through the banning of certain guns, more restrictive permits, buyback programs, and a national firearms registration system.

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  • Are mass shootings preventable? These countries have tried

    The U.S. continues to experience mass shootings, and many Americans deny that tightening gun laws will help. However, countries like Australia, the United Kingdom, Finland, and Norway have reduced gun violence through stricter regulations.

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  • Catholic Schools In D.C. Adapt To Lower Budgets, Changing Requirements

    Across the globe, there are nearly 60 million students studying in Catholic institutions. In the United States, however, those numbers have been falling in recent years, forcing schools to come up with new ways to collaborate.

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  • The Truth About Suicide in Colorado

    More than 800,000 people worldwide, including about 40,000 Americans, die by suicide each year. Colorado is pushing to prevent suicides by promoting awareness and changing laws to help those at risk.

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  • Germany is the first European country to free Syrian refugees from a draconian bureaucratic “trap”

    Since 2003, the Dublin Protocol has stopped migrants from traveling through Europe to auspicious countries before claiming asylum. However, many migrants travel by sea—which is more perilous and has led to high rates of death. Germany is the first country European country to break from the Dublin Protocol by letting in Syrian refugees.

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  • How to Save a Sinking Coast? Katrina Created a Laboratory

    In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, in 2005, Louisiana and federal officials launched an audacious $50 billion master plan to rebuild the receding coast in an effort to mitigate the effects future storms. These are expensive and massive in scale, and although success is not guaranteed, they're attracting interest from cities around the U.S., and low-lying countries like Bangladesh and the Netherlands. Moving beyond engineered “solutions” of the past, many of these efforts focus on rebuilding land through methods that mimic natural processes for building land mass and vegetation.

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  • Oakland probation camp offers Freedom School to young detainees

    Freedom Summer Camp allows for convicted young men to find a sense of community allowing them to connect to the world and fuel greater desires for achievement.

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  • Eliminating Bail for Nonviolent Crimes

    Philadelphia's criminal justice system is overwhelmed. New York is allowing judges to release low-risk defendants accused of non-violent crimes with the goal of saving money, reducing prison overcrowding, and cutting down on prison violence.

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