Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Library of Good Ideas

    Staff members at a library branch in central Oregon take steps toward community engagement and participation by crossing the barrier from employee to neighbor. By building personal relationships with other community members, offering "maker" spaces and other public engagement opportunities, and listening to the desires of the community they are serving, the 6-branch Deschutes Libraries make a name for themselves.

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  • The Problem We All Live With

    At the height of desegregation, the achievement gap between white and black students decreased to 18 percent, compared to 49 percent. Evidence suggests integrating schools works, because it gives students of color access to the same resources as white students. Yet, schools remain largely segregated along class and racial lines. In Missouri, after Normandy School District in Normandy lost its accreditation, black students were given an opportunity to transfer into the much more affluent, and mostly white school district, Frances Howell. This episode shows the challenges of integrating schools.

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  • Under the Knife

    After pressure from activists, a slew of countries have passed laws that ban female genital mutilation, the practice of cutting of a girl’s external genitalia. However, in some places like the Iraqi Kurdistan region, the law was not enforced and was met with stiff opposition from religious leaders. “When it comes to FGM and child marriage, you’re changing perceptions so it takes a while, and these practices have been going on for generation after generation so it takes time to end them.”

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  • Elsa's Story

    Children across the U.S. experience gender confusion, causing emotional stress in themselves and their family. Gender identity counselors and gender youth clinics are being created in multiple states to help families find peace in their situation.

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  • D.C.'s Education in School Reform

    The ecosystem of D.C. charter schools that has evolved over the last two decades represents a cornucopia of creative and nontraditional approaches to education, in addition to fairly traditional college-prep schools, and is now producing some of the highest graduation rates, college acceptance rates, and average test scores in public schools in the nation.

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  • Do no harm: Some hospitals let a preventable infection kill their patients

    Central line infections can be a death sentence to a patient, so hospitals have been trying to determine how to reduce this likelihood. The solution appears to be in the difference between hospitals willing to learn from failures compared to those that continue to use standard practices.

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  • Do no harm: There's an infection hospitals can nearly always prevent. Why don't they?

    Even though most central line infections are preventable, they are a leading cause of death in the United States. The core of the problem resides in a hospital's approach, whether they put the effort into treating patients like they are in a car crash or a plane crash. Roseville Medical Center looked at the mistakes of other hospitals and have revolutionized how they treat central lines with a new checklist, a specialized vascular team tasked with the central lines, and annual competency tests for contract nurses.

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  • Texas study may aid juvenile justice reforms

    An in-depth study of Texas youth crime records helped them find a path forward on juvenile criminal justice reform, but they still struggle with limited resources and a culture stuck on incarceration.

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  • Cleveland Wants to Make Sure the Next Wright Brothers Come From the Rust Belt

    Northeast Ohio and other former industrial regions are finding a new way to bounce back: investing in hardware startup companies. Technologies from improved 3D printers to tools for livestreaming to aerospace applications are showing that not all investment dollars need to go to Silicon Valley software companies. In fact, cities like Cleveland and Pittsburgh can play on their strengths in manufacturing and are seeing that investment dollars are more likely to flow to hardware companies.

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  • Gun killings fell by 40 percent after Connecticut passed this law

    Researchers at Johns Hopkins and Berkeley say that Connecticut’s “permit-to-purchase” law requiring people to get a purchasing license before buying a handgun - despite early criticism - was actually a huge success for public safety in reducing gun homicides, especially relative to other states.

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