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  • ‘It's miraculous' — no known coronavirus cases in Acadiana's homeless shelters

    Having learned from failures during the 1980s AIDS epidemic, an outreach center in Louisiana was uniquely prepared to take preventative measures as the coronavirus outbreak spread, and so far, the efforts have worked. Not one case has been reported as of yet at Acadiana CARES, and many are crediting that to the rapid intervention strategies that included strict adherence to social distancing and isolating anyone who had underlying conditions or was considered vulnerable.

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  • How do you build a city for a pandemic? Audio icon

    Major populated cities such as New York and London were once regarded as "death traps," but a series of deadly outbreaks led to structural changes that worked to improve the public health outcomes for those living there. From sewer systems to therapeutic gardens, the health of those living in cities has improved in a variety of ways, however, that has not stopped densely populated areas from turning into hotspots for coronavirus. To address this, local governments are experimenting with even more structural changes such as turning city streets into walking and biking paths.

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  • Is Macron's Grand Débat a Democratic Dawn for France?

    The Grand Débat, or Great Debate, provided channels for the public to voice their opinions regarding public policy and decision-making. It resulted in almost 2 million online suggestions, 10,000 local meetings, 16,000 complaint books, and several citizen assemblies. It was a success in terms of citizen engagement, but the process was criticized for not capturing diverse viewpoints (drawing mainly from university-educated homeowners over the age of 50) and sacrificing quality for quantity. It is unclear what reforms will come of it and some believe there were hidden political agendas behind initiating it.

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  • As residents at Milwaukee County nursing homes contracted and died of coronavirus, administrators and local officials kept it to themselves

    After the coronavirus outbreak devastated a nursing home in Wisconsin unbeknownst to the residents' family members and the public, advocates and lawmakers called for more transparency from the facility. The agency, joining other care facilities in the state and nation, is now reporting cases according to newly implemented protocols regarding transparency and timeliness, as a means of helping "family members and health care workers plan for their safety."

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  • Test, trace, contain: how South Korea flattened its coronavirus curve

    With one of the lowest mortality rates in the world and a rapidly declining rate of new COVID-19 cases, South Korea has emerged as a world leader in containing the pandemic. Many credit widespread testing and contact tracing, or the tracking of infected people using their own descriptions of their movements as well as GPS phone tracking, surveillance camera records, and credit card transactions. Though it had a distinct advantage as one of the most connected countries in the world, South Korea's model is being replicated widely.

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  • How the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle forged relationships with communities of color

    After learning that communities of color were virtually “invisible” in local media coverage, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle formed working groups and reached out to community partners to better understand their community. They also employed a social listening platform called Hearken. This helped them answer the central question, "How do we write FOR audiences of color instead of merely about them?"

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  • Contact tracing for COVID-19 starts on a small scale in Philly

    In Philadelphia, volunteers with the University of Pennsylvania have launched a small-scale effort in contact tracing, a method in which disease detectives track and monitor the interactions and movements of known infected people. Both time- and labor-intensive, contact tracing is most effective on the front end of an outbreak, when there are fewer cases. The university has trained a few dozen volunteers, though limited access to testing and violations of privacy remain concerns.

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  • South Korea Offers a Lesson in Best Practices

    South Korea's national government took quick action and implemented sweeping policy changes that have helped the country better control the spread of Covid-19. Contact tracing and democratizing the creation of testing supplies were two key aspects, but a major influencer was how quickly the country set these actions into motion by centralizing their approach.

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  • How Uganda's history of epidemics has prepared it for COVID-19

    Having spent a number of years combatting Ebola and Marburg viruses, officials in Uganda were able to quickly set into a motion a series of proactive strategies such as restriction of movement, surveillance strategies, and widespread testing to help contain the coronavirus outbreak. Although the approach isn't without its limitations – many are stockpiling groceries out of fear – the rapid and aggressive measures have kept the country's caseload low compared to that of other African nations.

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  • California lessons from the 1918 pandemic: San Francisco dithered; Los Angeles acted and saved lives

    Two of California’s major cities – Los Angeles and San Francisco – are learning from their history with the Spanish Influenza during the COVID-19 pandemic. The two cities had different approaches, with San Francisco strongly requiring masks, shutting down later, and opening up earlier and Los Angeles shutting down almost immediately and waiting an extra month to open up. Over one hundred years later, leaders are looking back to learn from mistakes to save lives.

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