Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • You — yes, you — can help AI predict the spread of coronavirus

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently asked Roni Rosenfeld, a professor of computer science who typically uses artificial intelligence to forecast the spread of seasonal influenza, to turn his computing power on the spread of COVID-19. However, Rosenfeld himself was reluctant at first given the lack of data available upon which to base his predictions.

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  • Inside the South Korean Labs Churning Out Coronavirus Tests

    After witnessing chaos during the MERS outbreak, South Korea immediately began implementing measures to avoid disaster should another public health crisis occur. Now, as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts much of the world, the country has been able to successfully deploy their new and improved emergency response system – which includes letting hospitals and medical professionals play a larger role – and their accelerated approval system, allowing tests to be created at a more efficient pace.

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  • How China and South Korea's battle with coronavirus offers glimmer of hope

    While some places such as the United Kingdom and London struggle to slow the spread of coronavirus, other countries such as China, South Korea, and Taiwan, have managed to contain the virus through fast-acting government regulations. Although each country's strategy looks different – China enacted a strict lock-down, while South Korea implemented widespread testing – they all acted rapidly to intervene.

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  • How the U.S. can defeat coronavirus: Heed Asia's lessons from past epidemics

    As much of Europe and the United States are still in the early stages of trying to contain the coronavirus, countries in Asia offer several lessons in mitigation strategies. Rapid government intervention and regulation helped to slow the spread in Taiwan while in South Korea, increased transparency and mass testing – made possible because the country opened the process to the private sector – have shown to have helped flatten the curve of transmission.

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  • A Pandemic And A Parade: What 1918 tells us about flattening the curve

    Enacting social distancing and mass closures of schools, businesses, and other industries during the times of virus outbreaks has been shown to slow the waves of infection, as first witnessed during the era of the Spanish Flu when one American city acted proactively while another did not. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, areas that began social distancing practices sooner are already reporting a flattened curve of cases, which helps hospitals avoid overcrowding.

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  • Why Singapore is better prepared to handle COVID-19 than SARS

    After Singapore eradicated SARS in 2003, the country put into motion a series of protocols and practices in case of another outbreak. Now, as coronavirus sweeps the world, the country has been able to take quick actions, such as 3D printing face masks and quickly developing a reliable diagnostic test, to mitigate the spread.

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  • Tracking the Coronavirus: How Crowded Asian Cities Tackled an Epidemic

    Singapore among several other countries have been able to contain coronavirus by working to stay ahead of the spread, rather than confront the spread as it happens. Using strategies – some partially built after learning from failure during the SARS outbreak – such as rigorous contact tracing to determine who may have come into contact with an infected individual, these countries have shown, "early intervention is key."

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  • How Vietnam Learned From China's Coronavirus Mistakes

    China has seen success in containing the coronavirus through strict governmental oversight but when the virus made its way to Vietnam – a country with similar rule – the government enacted more transparent approaches and relied on social networks to mitigate the spread. Although it is yet to be seen if one methodology was superior to the other, Vietnam's strategy of accountability and transparency has "proved to be effective and furnished positive results."

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  • California colleges are going online. How ready are they?

    The coronavirus pandemic has caused universities to close campuses and forced classes to transition to virtual formats. While this transition has had its limitations for many – especially those who lack reliable access to the internet, a computer, or a work space – professors are working together and learning from their failures to provide an education for their students while also prioritizing their health and well-being.

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  • Polio Epidemic Offers Guidance For Getting Through COVID-19

    Epidemics aren't new in the United States, and past outbreaks can provide lessons for the current coronavirus pandemic. Specifically looking at the polio epidemic that paralyzed parts of the country, studies of individual American cities show the difference rapid intervention strategies, such as school closures and crowd size limitations, make.

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