Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment, a game changer in community maternal health care 

    Non-pneumatic Anti-shock Garments (NASG) are emergency garments used during cases of post-partum hemorrhage that save women’s lives by compressing blood vessels to reduce excessive blood loss. Currently, there are 498 NASGs distributed across several counties and the use of the garment has resulted in a 38% reduction in the maternal mortality rate.

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  • California's Methane Climate Solution Rewards Dairy Gas. Other States Take a Harder Line.

    California pays farmers to turn cow manure into biogas in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Harvested in various ways, the gas collected from the waste is used to power farms.

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  • Chicago's dirty secret: lead in municipal drinking water remains the greatest threat in communities of color

    Chicago’s Equity Lead Service Line Replacement Program is designed to help homeowners replace outdated water lines that can lead to contaminated drinking water, but only 280 lines have been replaced in the past two years in contrast to the city’s goal of 650. Homeowners report that the application process is inaccessible and inefficient, and an analysis by The Guardian found that roughly 10 percent of tests across four zip codes had contamination levels above the EPA’s guideline for taking action.

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  • Wyoming teachers are leaving. The reasons why may be about more than money.

    Teachers are leaving the profession at high rates in the United States, citing a lack of support, stress, and low pay. Therefore, increasing support from administrators and focusing on teachers’ overall well-being might increase their likelihood of continuing to teach.

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  • Agriculture: Why the Kissan Card Scheme Failed

    Farmers in Pakistan are disappointed by the government’s Kissan Card initiative meant to provide financial assistance to lessen their expenses. Farmers frustrated by the program are calling for improved transparency and better distribution of funds.

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  • An ‘OG COVID Crew' nurse at Tucson's Banner-University, her story illustrates Arizona's urgent health care dilemmas

    The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on, and exasperated, existing issues in Arizona’s healthcare industry. Medical staff are still dealing with the repercussions and are speaking up to demand better working conditions.

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  • Rent controls are being explored in Bristol – can it learn from Lille?

    Lille, France introduced rent controls in March 2020, causing the average rent to drop for the first time in several years in 2021. But due to inadequate outreach with tenants, a lack of enforcement, and loopholes in the regulations, more than 40 percent of rental listings in the city were out of compliance and charging more than technically allowed as of August 2022, and many residents report being hesitant to push back on landlords skirting the policy.

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  • In Colorado, a storied valley blooms again

    The Acequia Institute is an environmental and food justice organization that works on projects like land restoration, supporting local farmers and providing scholarships to local students entering environmental or health fields. The Institute represents a radical way of thinking about environmental conservation and focuses on reviving an economy where people create meaningful relationships with each other and the land.

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  • At Water's Edge: Searching for solutions at the Great Salt Lake's sister lakes across the Great Basin

    As the communities around the Great Salt Lake face overconsumption of its water and climate change effects, they can look to California’s Owens Lake and Mono Lake to see how they manage dust pollution and water levels from the same issues.

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  • At This Alexandria Community, The Challenges Of Mobile Home Ownership Are Thrown Into Sharp Relief

    When an offer to buy the Harmony Place mobile home community in Alexandria, Virginia, came in, the residents worked with a nonprofit to make a counterproposal in an effort to turn it into a co-op. The seller did not accept the counterproposal, but it is now considered a template for other communities looking to do something similar.

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