Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Injecting the flu vaccine into a tumor gets the immune system to attack it

    Researchers are seeing early success in piloting the notion that injecting tumors with the flu vaccine will re-engage the immune system. For mice with cancerous tumors, the researchers injected this year's flu vaccine directly into the site of the tumor and found "not only was tumor growth slowed, but the mice ended up immune to the flu virus."

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  • No Sex For Fish: How Women In A Fishing Village Are Fighting For Power

    Along Kenya's Lake Victoria, the practice of jaboya - where fishermen guarantee that day's catch to a woman fish trader in exchange for sexual favors - is all too common, in part due to a lack of economic opportunity in small villages. Kenya's fishing communities also have rates of HIV prevalence between 30% and 40%. To combat these issues, local women and non-profits teamed up to start No Sex for Fish, an organization committed to providing women fish traders their own boats so they could catch the fish themselves. While initial results were promising, the initiative ultimately has not yet succeeded.

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  • A Brand New Maito: Renovated PHC caters to community health needs in Niger State

    Maito, a village in Niger state, was long lacking a health care center, so when the state government began work on revitalizing a building, improvements were made to build on what hadn't worked well before. Although enhancements included additional waiting room spaces, gender, and age-specific wards, and a solar-powered system, there's still room to grow and improve.

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  • Flint's Water Crisis Spurs Other Cities To Remove Lead Pipes

    As cities and states across the United States begin to remove lead water pipes, some communities are looking for cost-effective ways to fix them because of the risk of contaminated drinking water. Three cities in the Midwest have started the process and have used innovative ways to raise the funds to replace the aging service lines, which could be a model for other cities like Chicago to follow.

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  • The Cost of Regulating Pain

    The CDC's 2016 guidelines on prescribing opioids for chronic pain attempted to address the opioid-addiction crisis by restricting the supply of the drugs at their source. The guidelines discouraged their use when possible and suggested strategies to taper patients off of them. Since then, thousands of people have lost access to necessary medications and to their doctors, thanks to overreactions to the CDC guidelines that unintentionally led to deaths by street drugs or withdrawal.

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  • Penn Medicine-created texting tool may save hundreds of new moms' lives in Philly and beyond

    After deducing that preeclampsia was "the number one cause of maternal hospital readmissions and maternal mortality," doctors at Penn Medical began sending new mothers home with a blood pressure cuff and then texting them for readings. Proving to be a successful intervention methodology, this practice has expanded to other hospitals in the state and may soon scale nationally.

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  • Stamping Out Online Sex Trafficking May Have Pushed It Underground

    The passage of the 2018 Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act was meant to hold accountable the online platforms where sex trafficking and sex work took place, but a year into its existence, it has shown negative, unintended consequences. The legislation has effectively shown an impact in moving sex trafficking offline, but experts now say it has moved onto the street, making it harder to track and catch.

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  • Three years of mining, 40 years of taxpayer clean up for river downstream of Vancouver Island copper mine

    After an abandoned copper mine destroyed the Tsolum River in Canada, it took decades and cross-sector collaboration to reduce acid runoff and bring back fish populations. The government, a restoration society, and even the mining industry worked together to come up with solutions to save the river. Their latest attempt — capping the mine waste with glacial sediment and an asphalt covering — in 2009 succeeded. In 2015, 129,000 pink salmon came back to the river — a record return since fish counts began in 1953.

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  • Advocates want to recycle CT's wasted prescription drugs. The state says it's already doing that.

    Connecticut has a law that requires the state to collect unused prescription drugs to be reimbursed by the vendor companies, but advocates for better health equity want to see the unexpired drugs instead be distributed to those that need them. While one pharmacy in Bridgeport has already started a model to get the drugs into hands of the uninsured or underinsured by importing pharmaceuticals from a Tennessee non-profit, leaders of the Bridgeport operation hope to one day "see a drug reclamation program that steers unused medications from within Connecticut to charity dispensaries" within the state.

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  • A tale of two metros: how the London tube beat the New York subway Audio icon

    Though they started at similar points, the London Underground has become one of the most successful models of public transportation, while the New York Metro has declared a state of crisis. The reason? The London Underground learned from early financial and marketing failures and took advantage of financial incentives in expanding business into the transportation industry by renewing old infrastructure.

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