Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Next Pandemic Is Out There. Is the Private Sector Ready?

    In 2019, a Pandemic Response Board made up of international leaders was created to determine a course of action should a contagious outbreak such as SARS occur. Although the director general of the Nigeria Center for Disease Control was not able to join, the region's response to Lassa virus offered lessons to the team, such as the benefits of private-public partnerships and eliminating the spread of misinformation by joining forces with social media outlets.

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  • A novel idea for California: requiring students to fill out financial aid forms

    Val Verde Unified School District in California requires high school students to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Though advocates have documented significant positive culture changes, researchers say the impact of such requirements on college enrollemnt rates remains uncertain.

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  • A Native American Tribe's Quest: Give Us Back Our Island

    In October of 2019, the city of Eureka, California returned stolen lands to the Wiyot Tribe, the region’s Native American people. This was done over a decade after a brutal massacre on the land, which is an island that had slowly become overgrown and deemed uninhabitable. The Wiyots worked every weekend for years cleaning up the land, and now, with a clean bill of health and the property rights, they can start to heal as a community together again.

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  • Heat waves: How France has cut death toll 90% since 2003

    Chagrined by its lack of planning that contributed to many deaths in a 2003 heat wave, France developed a coordinated national response that in 2019 cut the death toll by 90% despite even higher temperatures. By paying particular attention to vulnerable elderly people living alone, and requiring officials at all levels of government to communicate warnings and advice clearly, the government promoted simple safety measures and awareness of risks in effective ways, including discouraging outdoor recreation and closely monitoring and cooling older residents.

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  • Restoring Jamaica's lost coral reefs

    Coral reefs play a vital role in the ecosystem, but are facing a dire future in many parts of the world. In Jamaica, however, "grassroots-run coral nurseries and fish sanctuaries" have been established over the last decade, which has helped bring reefs in this area back to life.

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  • The Timber Architecture Revolution Has Arrived in Norway. (Almost.)

    Norway is leading the world in low-carbon structural wood development; now, the country is working to bring factories into the country to turn the trees into usable lumber within the nation's borders. The city of Brumunddal has built the world's tallest structurally wooden building using sustainable practices, proving the effects on carbon usage and structural integrity that building with wood can offer the forest-dense country.

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  • University of Chicago projected to be the first U.S. university to charge $100,000 a year

    One way that colleges are able to offer increasing amounts of financial aid is by increasing the full cost for others that can afford to pay. However, studies have found that these strategies are not effectively bringing low-income students to high-cost colleges because they are still seeing a sticker price that appears far out of reach.

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  • Rural Wisconsin communities seek paths to better health care future

    In order to keep already existing health care facilities open while also planning for the possibility of future expansions, a county in rural Iowa is looking for ways to attract new residents to the area. After considering research that shows "having walkable, bikeable communities improves health and the economy," local officials have launched a trail project that promotes physical health as well as a means of transportation.

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  • As fires rage, California refines an important skill: Evacuating

    With wildfires becoming more and more common, Californians have become improved their evacuation procedures. Alerting residents earlier via cellphone and then ongoing door-to-door notices have made a difference, along with residents trusting the evacuation calls more than before. Notable improvements have been made in hospitals, with staff making arrangements with other hospitals as soon as they receive the evacuation notice.

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  • US Supermarkets Are Doing Bulk Food All Wrong

    Many supermarkets throughout the U.S. have made bulk food shopping available but have failed to take into account the packaging of these foods, which are oftentimes plastic. While some stores have committed to cutting down their plastic waste, zero-waste bulk shopping is still a possibility as evident in countries in Europe.

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