Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Sweden Finds a Simple Way to Improve New Mothers' Health. It Involves Fathers.

    New mothers are often overwhelmed once they leave the support of the hospital and find themselves home alone with a newborn. In Sweden, a new law that allows the other parent to take a month off from work to help with infant care has shown promising results in reducing maternal stress and improving overall health.

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  • Prescription: More Broccoli, Fewer Carbs. How Some Doctors Are Looking To Food To Treat Illness

    Food is not just linked to physical well-being but also mental health as well, and some doctors are now prescribing a change in diet to address psychiatric concerns. Although not necessarily a cure-all, this approach has shown success in studies and with actual patients.

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  • ‘Some river!' The Cuyahoga River, 1969—present

    Fifty years ago, Ohio's Cuyahoga River was filthy, so much so that an infamous fire had to help spark the conversation around water pollution and cleanliness. Now, the river is making a comeback after the introduction of federal level legislation and community efforts to make the river cleaner and safer.

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  • Life After Conflict: Healing the Environmental Wounds of War

    With the aftermath of conflict often focused on humanitarian crisis, international and local actors are also working to restore damage done to ecosystems. From Rohingya refugees volunteering to make sure endangered elephants can reach their grazing lands – and not destroy the refugee camps – to Lebonese seed banks being recreated to restore biodiversity, the international stage is paying closer attention to the environmental tolls of conflict.

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  • "A sense of belonging" for Latinxs in recovery at the West Kensington Ministry

    For members of the Latinx community seeking treatment for substance abuse, much needed resources, like Spanish-speaking counselors, can be hard to come by at recovery centers. In Philadelphia, faith-based organizations like West Kensington Ministry are filling the gaps by providing peer and community support.

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  • What we learned from looking at Santa Cruz County's needle exchange

    Throughout California, there are various needle exchange programs that are meant to reduce the likelihood of spreading communicable diseases through the use of dirty needles. Although often met with criticism, Santa Cruz County it focusing on what is working in other areas of the state in order to better serve their community.

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  • In Rural Guatemala, Can This School Make “The Girl Effect” Happen?

    The MAIA Impact School, inspired by New York City's well-known KIPP charter schools, gives scholarships to ambitious indigenous girls in Guatemala with the aim of "propel[ing] them from poverty and isolation into the most elite spheres of Guatemalan society." School administrators are gradually learning how to adapt the model to a new setting with new expectations and teachers.

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  • An (Even More) Inconvenient Truth: Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing

    This story examines the well-publicized climate-change strategy of carbon credits: the idea that a CO₂-emitting company could offset its emissions by funding anti-logging efforts, effectively "saving" the equivalent amount of carbon. However, as it turns out, despite its popularity, most carbon credit programs do not actually work or, worse, may do more harm than good. This article details the shortcomings of this attempted solution to the effects of global warming.

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  • Meating In The Middle: The Challenge of Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions On Farms

    From small farms to the larger, agriculture industry, changes are being made to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas being emitted into the air. With methane emissions considered one of the top worst greenhouse gasses – and agriculture a major contributor to it – the industry is looking toward new practices, like cover crops and new diets for cows. Responses are happening on many levels, but in order to make sustainable change, farmers and researchers must collaboratively work together.

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  • Greenhouse Gas Scientist Questions How To Cut Emissions On Her Own Farm

    As a response to global climate change, many are turning to farming and agricultural practices as a response. Plants are able to bring carbon dioxide into soil, where some is stored, reducing the overall amount in the air. While initially seen as a silver bullet solution, scientists are now discovering limitations – like overestimating how much carbon can be stored. For small farms, in order to adopt more eco-conscious practices, they need more economic incentives to change their ways.

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