Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Traditional Birth Attendants: Friend or foe?

    Throughout rural parts of Nigeria, health care services are often out of reach, putting pregnant women at risk of undergoing an unsafe childbirth experience. Although not without limitations, training women in these areas to act as Traditional Birth Attendants helps fill a small portion of the health equity gap by offering safe-birthing education as well as medical toolkits.

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  • Bugs and Birds: New Residents of a Greener Madrid

    With a little strategic planning, cities can nurture biodiversity in the urban environment. “Sometimes, small actions can bring incredible results,” says Antonio Morcillo, deputy director for conservation of green areas and urban trees in Madrid. The city is allowing the Manzanares River to flow, spontaneous vegetation to grow, and opening hundreds of birdhouses and insect hotels to counteract habitat loss.

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  • Bail reforms moving slowly in Missouri

    Under a large grant St. Louis County is working to reduce jail confinements in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting, following several national models. There is also progress toward reducing fines and fees for small issues, with a focus on addressing racial disparities in arrests. But the efforts face challenges that include thousands of outstanding warrants under the old system and a shortage of public defenders.

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  • California slashes emissions, hits major greenhouse gas goal years early

    Due in large part to the expanded use of renewable energy and decreased use of natural gas, California was able to cut greenhouse gas emissions significantly and ahead of their scheduled goal.

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  • Undercooked: An Expensive Push to Save Lives and Protect the Planet Falls Short

    An international effort to supply developing countries with low-pollution cookstoves fell short. Efforts failed to consider to what degree their new stoves really solved the problem—and whether or not people would actually use them.

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  • Native Bees And Alfalfa Farmers — A Seedy Love Story

    Approximately twenty-five percent of the United State's alfalfa seed is produced in Walla Walla County, Washington, thanks in part to farmers successfully cultivating a unique working relationship with the region's native alkali bees. Through trial and error, the farmers have learned how to create a safe habitat for the bees to thrive, which in turn benefits their crucial crop.

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  • Chasing the curve: As budgets churn, can Montana get its mentally ill care before they hit crisis?

    This threatened mental health care in a tangible way, but the state has found ways to provide services differently. Despite limited funding, state health officials still choose to direct funds toward prevention, rather than only paying for emergency services. Using outpatient support groups and an integrated behavioral health system are other options. Still, the state is figuring out how to provide higher quality care on a lower budget.

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  • Chance for Discovery and Preparation

    Algas Organics, a biotech company in St. Lucia, is collecting sargassum seaweed and is turning it into fertilizer that is used in other parts of the Caribbean and North America. While sargassum can be beneficial to an ocean’s ecosystem, an overabundance of the seaweed has affected tourism and fishing in the region. While the company is making a dent in the seaweed cleanup, pairing their efforts with the government could make more of an impact.

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  • Community in Unity: Recovery Behind Bars

    Prisons can reduce recidivism if they provide people who are incarcerated with drug and alcohol treatment, as it helps inmates address underlying issues. People who have been in and out of prison tell their stories about the success of these treatments at a public event organized and recorded by Alaska Public Media. Many participants said more solutions will happen when the question “What's wrong with you?” is replaced with “What happened to you?”

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  • How Eating Seaweed Can Help Cows to Belch Less Methane

    In California, cows emit as much methane per year as the equivalent of 2.5 million cars. To reduce this impact, researchers are testing a change in diet for dairy cows that implements seaweed into their daily feed. So far, results are showing over a 50 percent drop in methane emissions, while milk production has remained consistent or increased.

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