Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Here's What Actually Reduces Gun Violence

    Among policy proposals to reduce gun violence the most effective are background checks and the use of focused deterrence by law enforcement. The latter is where police meet with community leaders and members of criminal groups to warn of harsh penalties for gun use, while also connecting people with resources to help them move beyond criminal activity. Laws that temporarily remove guns from those who may be suicidal or homicidal also show promise, but there isn't much data on them yet.

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  • Opioid crisis puts Ohio jails at the center of burden and opportunity

    As jails in Ohio struggle with the skyrocketing numbers of people addicted to opioids, they are increasingly becoming the state's primary detox centers. This article explores how several counties are addressing the issue by connecting inmates to jobs, training and housing to cut down on overdose deaths and reduce recidivism. Medicaid has also made it easier to get inmates health insurance coverage, which gives them access to treatment and medications upon release.

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  • Tsunamis Are Bringing New Species to Our Coasts

    A new study shows where unprecedented amounts of aquatic invaders are washing up in Hawaii and the West Coast and could help guide a quick response for cleanups as well as ongoing monitoring. That's how biologists eradicated a mussel in Australia and parasites and invasive algae along the California coast. Stopping them before they get a foothold is key to protecting public health and ecosystems, as well as fisheries and tourism.

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  • He stole a $1 lemonade, smoked pot - then nearly had to die in prison

    Pennsylvania has a compassionate release law for inmates who are terminally ill so they don't die in prison, but in practice it has become even more difficult for inmates and their families to take advantage of it. The number of elderly prisoners in the state has soared. Advocates recommend prisoners get an automatic compassionate release when they receive a terminal diagnosis so the family is not burdened with trying to figure out the complex process and paperwork.

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  • Bound to Pay

    Libre by Nexus helps immigrants get out of jail, and makes more than $30 million a year doing it. In exchange for providing collateral to bondsmen, the company charges clients, including asylum seekers in desperate situations, huge upfront fees and a $420 monthly rental charge for a required ankle monitor. Multiple lawsuits accuse the company of profiteering off vulnerable people.

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  • With Zero Help From Betsy DeVos, Here's How Campus Bartenders Are Fighting Rape Culture

    As sexual assaults, especially on university campuses, continue to go on and programs and measures aimed to help the victims of assault are receiving less support, new solutions are involving bars. 'Raise the bar' is one such program where bar staff are trained in how to identify and deal with potentially unsafe situations, as part of a larger movement to have bar staff at the forefront protecting customers from assault.

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  • Why Tearing Down Dams Could Help Save Endangered Killer Whales

    The population of Orca's is declining and a large portion of pregnancies are ending in miscarriage due to a decline in their food source- Chinook salmon. Taking down Hells Canyon dams, which disrupt the migration patterns of salmon, would help this problem as would decreasing detrimental human activity such as deforestation and boating.

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  • The Impossible Burger: Inside the Strange Science of the Fake Meat That 'Bleeds'

    A genetically engineered fake meat that smells, tastes and has the same texture as a regular beef burger? Sounds impossible, but it's not for the Impossible Burger. Made from ingredients such as wheat and potato protein and coconut, it's the tactic of extracting heme (the ingredient found in the hemoglobin of cows) from leghemoglobin (a the plant alternative) that really helps the Impossible Burger succeed. This success is also a success for the environment by using less land, a quarter of the water and emitting an eighth of the greenhouse gases than is reported for livestock rearing.

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  • L.A. saw a big drop in homicides this summer, falling to levels seen in 1966

    After a surge in gun violence in 2015, Los Angeles police changed strategies, partnering with community groups and assigning more officers to the neighborhoods hit hardest by the violence to enforce gun laws and focus on gang-related violence. Within two years, those tactics were associated with one of the lowest summertime homicide totals in nearly half a century. Much of the 2015 violence was blamed on gangs, and so the police asked community stakeholders for help and that help contributed to the lower 2017 numbers.

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  • Amid Chaos of Storms, U.S. Shows It Has Improved Its Response

    Recently, a wave of hurricanes and tropical storms have ravaged various communities with floodwaters in the United States. This article highlights an upward trend in the U.S. government's hurricane preparedness and strategy as of recent.

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