Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Vienna's Affordable Housing Paradise

    Unlike America’s struggle to provide high-quality affordable housing in sufficient quantities, Vienna has achieved an affordable housing system worthy of envy. The government-subsidized housing projects in Vienna need to meet certain design and sustainability requirements, and a competitive design process leads to quality buildings. An estimated 62 percent of citizens in Vienna live in some form of social housing, the European name for public housing. The success of social housing in Vienna has also helped it remain “one of the most affordable major cities in the world.”

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  • A summer school program uses the arts to combat the achievement gap

    A Baltimore nonprofit uses arts programming to engage students in educational activities over the summer to combat learning loss. The director of differentiated learning for the district explains, "They don't even realize we're doing math and literacy instruction because we're having so much fun." Program administrators believe models like this are important in decreasing the persistent achievement gap.

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  • In Kotzebue, Alaska, Hunters Are Bringing Traditional Foods—and a Sense of Comfort—to Their Local Elders

    In the northernmost nursing home in the U.S.,the Hunter Support Program has existed for more than two decades in an attempt to provide traditional foods to Kotzebue, Alaska's elders. While the program has faced roadblocks, the program's model of person-centered care has been hailed as a clear positive for the elders and the overall community. So much so that, in 2014, an amendment titled "Service of Traditional Foods in Public Facilities" was passed as a way to formally recognize the necessity of traditional food in the nursing home.

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  • For Some Migrant Worker Children in College, a Free Sandwich Can Make All the Difference

    At California University State-Fresno, 64 percent of students enrolled in a migrant support program graduate within six years, compared with 56 percent of first-generation students at the university. The College Assistance Migrant Program offers students lessons on topics ranging from how to cook meals to how to interact with professors. Since 1972, CAMP has helped these children of migrant workers go to college and its strategies have improved the odds for first-generation students to graduate.

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  • Bail reforms moving slowly in Missouri

    Under a large grant St. Louis County is working to reduce jail confinements in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting, following several national models. There is also progress toward reducing fines and fees for small issues, with a focus on addressing racial disparities in arrests. But the efforts face challenges that include thousands of outstanding warrants under the old system and a shortage of public defenders.

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  • Labor Organizers Look To Apps To Reach Wider Audiences

    Organized labor unions in WalMart used an app called WorkIt to mobilize workers. The app answers common questions that concern things like paid leave, absences, wages, and legal rights. “Eight years later, OUR Walmart, the flagship project of Organization United for Respect, has claimed a number of victories, including substantially better corporate-wide pay and leave policies.” Key to that has been WorkIt. Now organizers are looking to expand the app to other companies.

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  • In an Effort to Diversify Museum Staffs, a New Program Offers Paid Internships at Museums Across the US

    Two new initiatives are working to create greater diversity in all levels of museum staffing. They include an Association of Art Museum Directors paid internship program for minority college students and a grant program run by private foundations to recruit people from underrepresented populations into mid-level and senior museum management positions.

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  • When traditional banking isn't an option, try this out instead

    In Alaska, the Knik Tribe’s Community Development Financial Institution is offering financial opportunities to individuals in low-income communities who wouldn't have them otherwise. The organization, and others like it, are working to retain families in rural Alaska while providing the financial resources necessary for them to succeed.

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  • How to help struggling young readers

    Researchers have pointed to third grade as a make it or break it point for young students learning to read so several nonprofits are now focusing their energy on improving student literacy rates in the grades prior. To help students learn better, nonprofits send reading coaches to sit in on classrooms and advise teachers on how to teach reading most effectively. The nonprofit Early Reading Matters reported an 11 percent increase in the number of students reading at grade level over the course of the 2016-2017 academic year.

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  • 'It means everything': the university opening its doors to asylum seekers

    The Compass Project, based out of the UK, provides one year of education for asylum seekers that serves as a foot in the door into the national higher education system. In the sometimes years before they can gain refugee status, asylum seekers living in the UK lack many of the rights and much of the access other citizens take for granted. Now, activists are considering how the Compass Project and other scattered university aid programs can band together to enact more systemic change.

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