Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Sex workers in Uganda rally to end spread of HIV through condom distribution and sensitization

    The WOMAN ORGANISATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCACY (WONETHA) provides free condoms to sex workers in Uganda to end the spread of HIV. The group distributes about four to five million condoms to regional centers. Everyone can access the free condoms simply by request, without facing stigma or discrimination. The group also carries out “sensitization” campaigns that teach sex workers how to practice safe sex and feel empowered to require condom use among clients. They also work with health care systems to address discrimination and social stigmas that sex workers often face when seeking health care.

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  • 'So much hope': Alaskans say peer support can make recovery possible

    Alaska has begun certifying peer support specialists with a free 40-hour training. Peer support specialists use their own experiences with mental health conditions or substance use to guide others dealing with similar issues. The state has certified 43 people, including 12 Indigenous traditional peer support specialists. Trainings teach peer supporters about different coping skills and how to help clients deal with a mental health diagnosis and set healthy boundaries. They also cover legal and ethical issues in peer support. The specialists model recovery and offer support without telling people what to do.

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  • Training Mothers On Nutrition Is Saving Lives Of Children

    To address community malnutrition, 22 mothers began a savings and credit cooperative, which has since grown to 59 members. An elected committee looks for the most nutritionally vulnerable members, who are eligible for a small interest-free loan to improve the nutrition of their families. The women pay a membership fee and when loans are repaid, the cooperative gets a small percentage of the profits, which can be paid in installments until the whole amount is repaid. The group’s savings has also helped them buy animals that provide nutritious food products and organic fertilizers for their crops.

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  • How Outreach and Deep Canvassing Can Change Rural Politics

    Down Home North Carolina is a nonpartisan get-out-the-vote group that practices “deep canvassing” in rural areas to increase voter participation and elect progressive candidates. The technique involves one-on-one conversations that aim to connect on an emotional level, as a way to find common ground, and involves active listening to people and their concerns. Canvassers go door-to-door, and conduct outreach in public areas like Walmart and food banks, (though COVID-19 moved conversations to the phone) and particularly aim to connect with people who haven’t been engaged in the political process before.

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  • Denver's program to house people who were homeless was so successful, the federal government is offering millions more to expand it

    A housing first approach is keeping people housed and off the streets of Denver. The success of the program has brought in an offer of $6 million in federal grants if a similar decrease in Medicare and Medicaid billings can be achieved. Providing stable housing minimizes the cost incurred by the government for multiple services: medical, emergency, criminal justice system, and detox centers.

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  • How cuddle therapy aims to combat loneliness

    The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated feelings of loneliness, leading many to turn to professional cuddling therapists for human touch. Physical touch can help alleviate feelings of social isolation and has benefits for both physical and mental health.

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  • This library lets you borrow people instead of books. It just may help bridge our bitter divisions

    Human Library is a nonprofit learning platform that allows people to borrow “human books” instead of books. Each person represents a group that faces prejudice or stigmas because of their lifestyle, ethnicity, beliefs, or disability. The group has held in-person and online events in over 80 countries where participants can ask difficult questions that they might feel embarrassed to ask otherwise. The experiences encourage empathy and are nonpartisan. The library has over 1,000 “human books” who speak over 50 languages and has provided speakers for major corporations conducting diversity trainings.

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  • Paratletas costarricenses: el talento que no se está aprovechando

    Los paradeportes empiezan a tener mayor presencia en la escena del deporte costarricense, al punto de traer medallas olímpicas al país, algo que pocos costarricenses han logrado. El artículo explora los procesos que se han tenido que poner en práctica para que esto ocurriera y el impacto que está teniendo en la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en los espacios de deportes del país.

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  • The Anti-Displacement Repair Team of Portland

    Taking Ownership PDX helps Black homeowners to age in place by helping with maintenance to keep their homes livable, like making long-needed repairs and renovations. Since launching in 2020, the group has helped over 50 Black homeowners, raised over half a million dollars and maintains a database of 250 local volunteers who are eager to pitch in on the projects whenever they arise.

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  • Saving Lives through Safe and Post Abortion Care amongst Urban Young Women

    Better Reproductive Health, Better Communities Project is a partnership between nonprofits and medical providers working to increase awareness about unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions, while also ensuring women have better access to high-quality post-abortion care. The project has focused on providing family planning and emergency contraception to women in low-income urban areas. Volunteer peer educators and social media has helped reach over 4,000 women, spreading information about sexual and reproductive health services and connecting women to quality abortion care.

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