Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Re-usable Sanitary Pads Are Curbing High Drop-out Rates In Disadvantaged Communities

    Lack of access to menstrual products contributes to the high drop rates among girls between primary and secondary school. A collaboration between civil society and government organizations created the Menstrual Health Component for Primary Schools Project to educate both girls and boys, as well as providing girls with a menstrual health kit that includes reusable pads and a menstrual cup as well as a container to clean them. Over 500 students participated in the program in September 2021 with participants feeling empowered to be able to stay in school.

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  • Blue forests are under threat. A quiet revolution could save them

    Mangroves can store up six times more carbon than an area equal to the Amazon rainforest. However, they are rapidly declining, over the past century their population has been reduced by 30 to 50 percent. One nonprofit, Blue Ventures, is working with local communities to regenerate fisheries, which helps the mangroves. They're also helping local communities to manage their mangroves.

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  • Richland County's infant mortality rates show improvement; health officials say there's still more to be done

    To combat rising infant mortality rates, rural Richland County’s public health officials began a program to meet the needs of new and soon-to-be moms. The program provides maternal and infant care education as well as ensuring pregnant women have their basic needs met. One priority is making sure women get to their doctor’s appointments and have the transportation to do so. New moms receive a home visit from a public health nurse who delivers a portable crib along with information about infant care and safe sleep habits. The county hasn’t recorded a sleep-related death since starting the program.

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  • ‘I understand your concern': Sedgwick County's COVID Ambassador program beats back vaccine hesitancy

    The COVID Ambassador program trains people to listen, be empathetic, and acknowledge people’s COVID-19 vaccine concerns. Ambassadors’ training includes substantial practice talking to people who are resistant to getting vaccinated and they receive ongoing support at bi-monthly meetings, which has increased their confidence and led to more conversations with community members hesitant to get vaccinated. Like other community health worker programs, the ambassador program’s ability to be successful relies on the idea that people trust information from their peers more than from the government.

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  • Colleges fight hunger, fill basic needs to keep students in school

    Cleveland State University used a grant to open up Lift Up Vikes! Resource Center and Food Pantry on campus where students in need can get groceries, including fresh produce and canned goods. Many CSU students faced food insecurity during COVID-19 shutdowns after being laid off and the university aims to help with day-to-day needs in order to keep students enrolled. Due to pandemic-related restrictions, students register online and then pick up bags of groceries at the pantry with only a limited number of people allowed to visit the food pantry at one time.

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  • Unionization could help home health care workers with wages, experts say

    SEIU represents about 500,000 home care workers nationwide, offering union benefits and protections like individual health care, a retirement program, raises and better wages, additional training and access to personal protective equipment. For many — especially those working in Washington, California, New York and Illinois — unionization is a large part of the solution for home caregivers to receive representation and a living wage.

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  • Biden plan: How tax credits might be the solution for family caregivers

    The Veterans Health Administration's Caregiver Support Program offers resources to family caregivers looking after veterans, including a monthly stipend, medical services, counseling and mental health care, respite care and coverage for travel expenses. The Program launched in 2011 and by 2014 about 15,600 caregivers had been approved for support — greatly exceeding the Program’s original estimate of 4,000 people.

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  • Biden caregiving plan: Housing availability, politics hinder transition to more in-home care

    The Money Follows the Person is a federal program that increases access to Medicaid funds for home and community care services for people transitioning out of institutional care. The program has helped more than 101,000 people move out of long-term care facilities into community or home living. The program has also helped people save money by cutting taxpayers’ Medicaid and Medicare bills by about 23% for each person who was moved out of a nursing home or other institution. Based on the program’s success, the current administration is reviewing plans to extend or make Money Follows the

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  • Biden's $400B plan to overhaul home care is 'more of a repair effort than a new direction'

    Several government programs and funding measures are emerging to improve home care options for families in need, such as increasing wages and benefit opportunities for providers. There are also nonprofits like All Things Home Care that provide transportation to area home care workers and represents its workers with a union to afford them better treatment to ensure those in need can still receive necessary care at home.

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  • Germany's Promising Plan to Bring Conspiracy Theorists Back From the Brink

    The German government opened an office, known as Zebra (“not everything is black and white”) to help people dispel misinformation and conspiracy theories. Most clients are seeking help with loved ones who believe in conspiracy theories, misinformation, or are becoming radicalized. Clients receive in-person phone or video appointments with a neutral staff person, who helps them defuse conflicts, find commonalities, and address mental health issues. After the COVID-19 pandemic began much of the program’s work has been aimed at dispelling misinformation about the government’s response and the vaccine.

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