Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Rural Health Mission Nigeria: Providing Lifesaving Care to Mothers and Babies in Plateau State

    The Lifesaving Intervention Project offers postnatal services to mothers and newborns via community health workers who are trained in maternal and child health. After giving birth, the women receive follow-up care over the phone and through home visits and are referred to health facilities when additional care is needed. The support services have increased the percent of women getting post-natal care and have improved postpartum mental health. The health workers also provide information about the health benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, delivering in facilities, and birth control to space out children.

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  • Beating HIV through family, mentorship

    Pama Care is an initiative that coordinates HIV care within a family to address barriers to adherence to achieve viral suppression in children and adults. All HIV positive family members are put on the same medication schedule, which improves adherence, and given clinic appointments on the same day, which provides a better picture of family barriers and improves guidance and counseling. The government, backed financially by private companies, also pays a monthly stipend to patients who reach out to those having a hard time accepting their HIV status. This model has been successful across the country.

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  • By boat, by motorbike, by foot

    IPSI Palaima is working to vaccinate Indigenous families who live in hard-to-reach areas of La Guajira, where there are no paved roads, electricity, or running water and staff must use cars, boats, and motorbikes to reach them. A team of nursing assistants and a doctor spend 15 days at a time at a local outpost and travel by motorbike to surrounding communities, carrying vaccines in cooler bags. The organization was founded by an Indigenous woman who grew up in the area. Many of the staff members speak the local language, which can ease the communities’ vaccine hesitation and mistrust of authorities.

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  • COVID-19: Nigerian youth initiative leverages technology to provide low-income children access to education 

    Digilearns is a learning intervention platform created to deliver learning materials to students across the country through the use of mobile phones and doesn’t require an internet connection, making education more accessible and affordable to students, particularly those from low-income families. Since launching in 2020, Digilearns has provided access to educational materials to more than 1,000 secondary school children.

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  • Youth Aging Out of Foster Care Find Support in Montrose

    CASA serves children and families who have experienced abuse and neglect. The nonprofit owns an 8-unit residence for youth 18-24 who have aged out of the foster care system or are at risk for becoming homeless. The home provides a safe and supportive option where youth can transition to adulthood and have access to help navigating systems, like education and employment. The organization has begun to provide mental health care services as well, with two therapists on staff. The rent is subsidized by the government, which makes it a more affordable option, and additional residences are being planned.

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  • Progress amid the opioid epidemic: New Fall River fire station program seeing results

    Safe Stations, which operate out of local fire stations, provide a place for people struggling with opioid addiction to walk in and request help. They can be assessed for immediate health concerns, connected to a trained recovery coach and other mental health resources, and get help finding a bed in a detox facility or an inpatient treatment program.

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  • Newborn Units save babies' lives in Kenya

    The Newborn Unit exists to care for premature babies in an effort to reduce infant deaths. The NBU began in April 2010 and has the capacity to accommodate 30 babies, making infant care more accessible. The Unit also offers neonatal resuscitation training to equip healthcare workers with the knowledge and skills on how to save the lives of newborns.

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  • Maternal Health And Scan Use In Uganda

    M-SCAN is improving maternal health outcomes in Uganda by offering mobile ultrasounds to pregnant women. The health ministry recommends at least one ultrasound before a woman gives birth, but there are many barriers to access of these scans, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. M-SCAN has brought scans to over 1,000 women. The scans are brought to the homes of pregnant women at no cost. The mobile ultrasound scans have improved the ability of medical professionals to provide appropriate care to mothers and their newborns and have also decreased mothers’ anxieties by giving them peace of mind.

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  • Partner Notification services vital in HIV Control

    The Assisted Partner Notification Service is a World Health Organization-backed strategy that aims to reach out to sexual partners of people diagnosed with HIV to encourage them to get tested in an effort to contain the HIV pandemic. From May 2018 to September 2019, the notification service tested a total of 29,249 women, detecting 1,120 positive cases which then led the service to reach out to a number of male partners to continue to facilitate testing.

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  • Surprising Data Shows Political Letter-Writing Still Gets Out the Vote

    Vote Forward, an apolitical non-profit organization aimed at turning out voters, coordinated more than 50 partner organizations to boost turnout in the 2020 election through a letter-writing campaign. The letters were largely non-partisan, with letter writers encouraging people to vote rather than asking them to vote for a particular candidate. The low-cost, low-pressure tactic also brought in many first-time volunteers, with over 200,000 people writing letters. Organizers consider the campaign to be very successful, translating to about 126,000 votes in 21 states, or one percentage point nationwide.

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