Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Aid groups aim to bring health care to migrants on way to US

    The Global Response Management is a humanitarian nonprofit led by U.S. military veterans and staffed by U.S. volunteers and "paid asylum seekers who were medical professionals in their homelands" that offers medical help to migrants at two clinics in Matamoros, Mexico – including, most recently, COVID-19 antibody tests. Although the organization's future is uncertain, it is not alone in its efforts, and it and other humanitarian aid organizations plan to continue collecting health data.

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  • Lessons From Portland's Protest Movement

    Organized groups of volunteers helped sustain over four months of Black Lives Matters protests, with centralized information sources keeping the public informed and essential support services provided. A network of over 160 medics tended to protesters' health needs and organizers provided air filters to deal with tear gas. Protestors getting out of jail were given food, water, and other resources, and affected neighborhoods were cleaned up by teams of volunteers. Such support created other ways to participate while also providing critical infrastructure to sustain months of protests for racial justice.

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  • In the pandemic, field trips go virtual for Minnesota students

    In classrooms or at home, elementary students in Oakdale have more options for virtual tours and visit thanks to virtual fieldtrips. Museums, theaters, and different organizations are bettering the virtual tour experience for students, while also providing opportunities for students to virtually visit places across spread across the country instead of being limited to close surroundings.

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  • State effort seeks to counter mental health problems worsened by pandemic

    Resilient Arizona is a crisis counseling program that is funded by a federal grant and managed by the Crisis Response Network to mitigate the mental health effects of the pandemic. The crisis counseling is intended to help avoid progression of mental health concerns and the program is free and anonymous to all residents. Services are available in Spanish and English, with 23% of clients identifying as Latinx and Hispanic and 10% Spanish-speaking. After calling a help line, residents are connected to one of six contracted providers across the state. The program served 2,316 people from April to August 2020.

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  • Experiments in Coexistence

    Conflict prevention specialists for USDA Wildlife Services in southwest Oregon work with livestock producers to deter the local wolf pack from killing livestock. The specialists patrol overnight, making noise so that the wolves know they are there and stay away. They also set up scare boxes and deploy fox lights, which emit random patters of light, to make it seem like there are more people covering larger areas. If inspectors determine livestock was killed by a wolf, the rancher receives compensation. Funding has been secured to deploy conflict prevention specialists in up to 12 additional states.

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  • Addressing the mental health plights of Swiss migrants 

    In parts of Switzerland and Sweden, mental health care professionals are working to implement culturally appropriate psychiatry services that better addresses the needs of migrant populations. Although acquiring funding for these specialized services can be a challenge, the approach has come to be a model throughout Europe and participants have reported positive feedback.

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  • ‘From queer to queer': How locals are supporting LGBTQ asylum seekers in Denmark

    LGBT Asylum’s trained volunteers have provided emotional support to over 400 LGBT+ asylum applicants, also preparing them for the procedural process, such as the questions they will be asked and how long it will take. LGBT+ applicants have to prove their sexual orientation and the danger they face in their home countries because of it, which is emotionally triggering. The all-LGBT+ volunteers are able to relate on some commonalities, which can make it easier for the asylum seekers to talk about their struggles. The group also holds social and networking events to hep people integrate into Danish society.

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  • Everyday resilience in a Lesvos refugee camp

    People living in the Kara Tepe refugee camp find creative ways to withstand the oftentimes inhumane conditions. To supplement insufficient food rations, volunteers bake and distribute up to 400 pieces of bread a day while others fish to provide their own food. The NGO Yoga & Sport for Refugees organizes swimming, running, and team sports to provide mental health outlets. Residents also organize non-formal educational activities because no formal schooling is provided for camp residents. The Instagram account Now You See Me Moria publishes photos taken by camp residents to raise awareness of these issues.

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  • Lost Childhood: The Visible and Invisible Weight on North Tulsa Youth

    The Dream Center provided an invaluable resource to North Tulsa’s largely African-American youth during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the community center closed its physical space, staff continued food distribution by going door-to-door, passing out about 2,700 meals a day to over 2,000 young people. The contact also gave the organization a chance to check in the on the kids and make sure they were safe. As the pandemic eased slightly, the group started summer pop-up camps within local housing authorities and neighborhoods, allowing a few children at a time to take part in activities.

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  • Mother-daughter trio brings the great outdoors to children living in the city

    A mother-daughter trio started the nonprofit See You at the Top as a way to get children engaged in outdoor sports where there is traditionally a lack of people of color represented. The program has reached hundreds of families who have participated in activities like skiing, snowboarding, and biking. "As a culture, we distance ourselves from these activities and say that's not what we do, but we have to begin to see ourselves in these outdoor spaces and know it is something we can all do and enjoy together," said one of the cofounders.

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