Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Joe Biden Should Stop Bragging About the Violence Against Women Act

    The Violence Against Women Act was billed as a way to make a patriarchal society, and policing profession in particular, take domestic violence more seriously. It encouraged policies making arrest of alleged abusers mandatory, even to the point of punishing victims who refused to cooperate in prosecutions. This has backfired on many victims, especially women of color who distrust police and their punitive approaches to solving family problems. The law also prioritizes punitive approaches in its awarding of federal grants, thus denying victim aid to women who do not wish to cooperate with arrests.

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  • Power of the people: Get-out-the-vote efforts blanket the U.S.

    National get-out-the-vote efforts are turning out people to vote, despite Covid19-related challenges. Vote Forward organized 182,000 people to participate in a 50-state letter writing campaign urging people in over 17.5 million homes to vote. “Protest to the Polls” led a voter information parade through Louisville’s predominantly Black West End. The Neighborhood Assistance Corporations of America has driven 25,000 people to the polls in three states. Other GOTV efforts include texting and phone banking, peer-to-peer outreach, drive-in rallies and caravans, and entertainment for those in line at the polls.

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  • Hanging on: Covid gave Louisiana's addiction patients life-saving drug treatment by phone

    When the coronavirus pandemic caused organizations and businesses to shut their doors, some medical practices, such as facilities that treat addiction, found relief by moving to telehealth services. In Lousiana, "emergency changes to federal and state telehealth regulations" allowed patients to seek therapy and other services via telephone and video, which helped them avoid exposure to the virus, yet still access the care they needed.

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  • S.D. election officials take new approaches to voting amid pandemic

    Some officials took steps to make registration and voting easier and safe during the coronavirus pandemic. After issues during the primary, many counties enlisted additional staff and expanded infrastructure to process mail-in ballots. Recruitment initiatives in high schools helped replace higher-risk senior poll workers. County auditors helped assisted-living residents vote by validating their identities through a glass barrier and working with staff to safely deliver ballots. Several satellite polling locations were set up, including adjacent to tribal nations, to increase access to voting.

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  • For those with disabilities, shift to remote work has opened doors

    The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many businesses moving their operations to remote-based work, which has consequently expanded access and eliminated barriers for those with disabilities. Although working from home isn't a silver bullet to solving workplace barriers for people with accessibility needs, it has created an "unprecedented level of accessibility in their employment."

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  • Calling home: Sheltering in hotels to escape coronavirus, Acadiana's homeless got back on their feet

    In southwestern Louisiana, the Acadiana Regional Coalition on Homelessness and Housing wrangled 19 hotels into a makeshift network during the pandemic to house people experiencing homelessness. With help from Beacon Community Connections' counselors, the 456 people who entered the program found the stability and services they needed to connect with government benefits and, in some cases, find jobs. The program's Housing First approach, to admit the chronically unhoused without preconditions like sobriety, creates disciplinary challenges but put many on a path to a better life.

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  • Ismaili, Ahmadi Muslims push national voter registration efforts

    Muslim civic advocacy groups Emgage and Ismailis Rise Up have partnered to engage a more diverse Muslim population in the 2020 election. They added thousands of contacts among new Muslim voters in six states, trained volunteers in electoral organizing and countering voter suppression, use personal connections to encourage people to vote, and will staff the Election Protection Hotline, where voters can get help in their native language. They also published videos about voter registration and mail-in voting in languages commonly spoken by Ismaili families and held virtual events aimed at mobilizing seniors.

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  • Booking homeless Portlanders into jail is endless, expensive cycle that arrests don't curb, but housing does

    Temporary housing providing drug treatment and other services to people experiencing homelessness appears to cut the chances that people arrested in Portland on minor charges will cycle repeatedly through the criminal justice system. In 2019, 250 people living in transitional housing were booked into jail, versus nearly 3,700 people still living on the streets. The rearrest rate for people living on the street is 87%, but 30 points lower for people with housing. Portland officials have been slow to provide alternatives to arrests and jail since a report in 2017 that most arrestees in Portland are homeless.

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  • Terapie z obýváku: Řešení v době, kdy úzkostí přibývá

    Psychologové a terapeuti museli v průběhu koronavirové pandemie omezit či zcela přerušit své služby. Část z nich se proto přesunula do online prostoru nebo zavedla krizové linky, aby svým klientům v případě potřeby nabídla alternativu. Terapie na dálku umožnila flexibilnější a bezpečné setkávání se s terapeutem i v době nepříznivé epidemiologické situace. U řady lidí pomohla překonat pocit stigmatu, kterému čelí, když jdou na terapii osobně. Přes řadu nesporných pozitiv zůstává celá aspektů nové služby nedořešena. V době covidu službu hradily zdravotní pojišťovny, ale šlo jen o dočasné řešení.

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  • Ballots Behind Bars

    Chicago Votes works to ensure access to voting for people awaiting trial in jail. In addition to registering thousands of voters, they helped pass a Cook County law designating the nation’s largest single-site detention facility as a polling place. This access enabled 1,850 people to cast their votes and about 600 people were able to take advantage of same-day registration and voting, which isn’t possible with traditional absentee ballot voting. Addressing jail-based disenfranchisement, which disproportionately impacts communities of color, gives people a voice in policies that directly impact them.

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