Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Native American Clinic Gives Doses of Cultural Healing During COVID-19

    The Native American Community Clinic in Minneapolis is utilizing telehealth practices to treat both the medical and spiritual needs of the community and its patients. Although the "spiritual-meets-traditional care program" was already in place and had received funding before the coronavirus pandemic, it is now being implemented as a telehealth system with patients reporting that it has helped to create a sense of connection despite the adherence to physical distancing.

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  • Who ya gonna call? Remote learning helpline for teachers...and parents

    The School Support Hotline in Rhode Island is helping teachers and parents experience smoother virtual classroom experiences by answering questions and providing support for tech issues, along with translation services in over 200 languages. The hotline was started by the Highlander Insitute, an education nonprofit, and is staffed by 40 fellows, who are part of Fuse RI Initiative, and are educators themselves. After its first month of operation, over 200 parents had called into the hotline with questions.

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  • No ‘take-out' option: How are metro Detroit's music venues surviving?

    The music industry has been uniquely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, as described by the co-owner of a boutique music venue in Lake Orion who says, "We were the first to close and will be the last to re-open." To adapt to the constraints of the pandemic and generate revenue, artists and businesses have turned to livestreaming performances and partnering with entities such as the Downtown Development Authority and a local hotel to host concerts that respect the social distancing guidelines.

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  • Hanover paramedics make house calls to test resident for coronavirus

    In Hanover, two collaborative efforts – one between the hospital system and the town and another between the public school district and paramedics – have helped residents access coronavirus testing without leaving their homes. Although test results aren't delivered immediately, the partnerships have still helped over 1,200 people get tested and are available to all town residents.

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  • Empowering the survivor voting block Audio icon

    Colorado’s Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) helps survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse keep their physical addresses private. Registering to vote requires an address, which is part of the public record. The ACP program can also be used to enroll children in schools, on their driver’s licenses, and in court. ACP works with the postal service to create ghost addresses for survivors and it serves as the only place where the addresses are known. Four thousand people are currently using the service and up to 9,000 have used it since it began.

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  • Missing students: Educators knock on doors to find them Audio icon

    Apps that track students’ online activity, door-to-door visits, and receiving input from families on how to reopen schools, are all ways school districts across the country are responding to absenteeism during the pandemic. In one San Antonio district, they were able to locate around 2,900 of the 3,000 students who weren’t showing up to classes.

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  • A tiny house, a big step

    Tiny home communities across several American cities have helped alleviate homelessness amongst veterans with the work done by the Veterans Community Project (VCP). The organization has successfully housed and served homeless veterans by designing and building tiny home villages which partner with existing local organizations to provide wraparound services to help keep people off the streets. VCP has successfully deployed the housing-first model in Kansas City, Portland, Detroit, and LA and is now breaking ground in Boulder County for its latest project.

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  • How Do You Get Gun Owners To Give Up Their Guns During A Crisis? Ask. Audio icon

    "Voluntary storage" of guns is a growing movement that seeks to reduce gun suicides while avoiding political clashes with gun-rights advocates by instead promoting safety without government coercion. The Means Matter Campaign, Gun Shop Project, and a number of other private programs take what has long happened informally – friends disarming friends to prevent tragedy during a crisis – and promotes such practices as a public-health response. While research quantifying its effects is scant, anecdotes abound of people at risk being talked into surrendering their guns temporarily.

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  • Navajo COVID relief drives also highlight census participation

    Navajo Nation volunteers combine COVID relief events with efforts to ensure residents are counted by the Census. Working together, aid organizations hand out supplies like food, water, diapers, and “hygiene kits” with masks and sanitizer. After receiving supplies, residents work with a census specialist to fill out Census paperwork. The dual goals of the events, held at reservation chapter houses, are to help residents stay safe during the pandemic and increase Navajo participation in the census before counting ends. A single event can reach hundreds of the reservation’s 174,000 residents.

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  • Schools revamp meal programs during COVID-19 to curb childhood hunger, with potential to fix long-term problems

    Administrators at Mora Independent School District have discovered that the best way to help keep their students fed during the coronavirus pandemic is to offer as many flexible options as possible. The schools have mailed meals, as well as delivering them via school buses, and offered in-school pick-up. Before closing schools, only 100 families received meals, and that number has now increased to 400 families, and schools all over New Mexico want longer-term solutions. They've now incorporated libraries and community centers to expand food accessibility.

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