Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • No Problems Expected For Hawaii's New Vote-By-Mail System For The Nov. 3 Election

    Election officials in Hawaii made adjustments to their election regulations for the August 2020 primary that resulted in the highest voter turnout for a primary in two decades. The state offered multiple ways to return ballots and created a new system to help voters with special needs. They also implemented security measures, including unique bar codes and signature verification, to deter fraud. The state earned an “A” in the Brookings Institution’s ranking of states’ preparedness to vote during a pandemic and will use insights from the primary to increase access even more during the general election.

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  • Truck Convoy Brings Boon to Town Plagued by Violence

    Truck convoys ensure safer journeys for drivers and their goods around Kanyabayonga, an area that experiences intermittent instability and violence between armed groups. Up to 100 trucks carrying goods like charcoal, bananas, or lumber line up most days and wait for permission to continue their journey. The local economy has benefited, with restaurants and stores popping up to accommodate the influx of people. A ban on night time driving to prevent threats from armed groups has also supported the growth of a hotel industry, with 15 informal hotels now in operation.

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  • Public Health Workers Stand Behind Contact Tracing

    The Carolina Community Tracing Collaborative (CCTC) is the first statewide coordinated care network that contact traces new COVID-19 cases and electronically connects people to community resources. Investigators interview newly diagnosed patients, provide information about appropriately isolating, and identify people who were potentially exposed, all of whom are also contacted and connected to resources. Information is entered into a secure online system at each stage and individuals are followed up with. It is not clear that CCTC has successfully tracked the origins of many widespread COVID-19 infections.

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  • How schools are finding thousands of students they couldn't reach when the pandemic began

    For one school district in Texas, using personal relationships established before the pandemic, proved the best way to reach bilingual students in rural parts of the district who weren't showing up to remote classes. One librarian and a parent “went door-to-door there to track down students and find out how they could help families transition to virtual learning. They also had parents fill out note cards showing how many children lived in the home to make sure no child was left behind.” Other Texas districts are similarly relying on home visits to check on students. Data shows those methods work.

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  • In Place of Police: The Oregon Experiment

    CAHOOTS fields teams of mental-health first responders as a cost-effective and more humane alternative to sending the police to 911 calls for crises and even mundane problems concerning mental health, drugs and alcohol, domestic disputes, homelessness, and potential suicides. Weeks of observing their work illustrates the carefully circumscribed role they play in defusing the immediate crisis without necessarily solving the underlying problem entirely. Responding repeatedly to the same people's problems builds trust, but its ultimate success depends on a broader network of health and social services.

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  • How the book industry is weathering the COVID-19 storm

    Despite book sales being up during the coronavirus pandemic, many book stores aren't seeing a viable source of income due to the cancellation of book launches and many digital purchases being made on wholesale sites. Authors and publishers, however, have found a silver lining by using technology to host virtual book readings which allows them to reach audiences they may not have before.

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  • The LEAD Program Faces a Reckoning for Centering Police

    The LEAD program (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion), which was launched in Seattle in 2011 and is used in such cities as Atlanta, Los Angeles, Portland, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, provides intensive case management and services to people who come in contact with police and qualify to have their low-level cases bypass the criminal justice system. LEAD has been shown to lower recidivism by half and to make it more likely that people with drug and mental health, and other problems can find housing and jobs more easily. But this critical analysis argues that the police should not serve as gatekeepers.

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  • In a career born in her own grief, violence recovery specialist works at a Chicago hospital in a city under siege

    Since the 2018 opening of a trauma-care center near the neighborhoods most affected by Chicago's gun violence, the University of Chicago Medical Center's Violence Recovery Program has helped survivors and victims' families to address the emotional harm that can go untreated when only physical harm is treated. Part of a growing field nationwide, hospital-based violence intervention, the program's nine specialists counsel people through the immediate shock of a gun injury or death. Then they address longer-term needs for services. The goals are both humanitarian and pragmatic, to head off more violence.

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  • Jersey City's Composting Program Expands During a Pandemic

    Since the Jersey City composting program, over 50,000 pounds of disposable waste has been used to fertilize home gardens, parks, and community gardens, instead of going into landfills. While scaling the program is a challenge due to the lack of infrastructure for integrating composting as part of the city’s waste removal, residents were eager to participate.

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  • Zeničko udruženje Naš most potpomaže zdravo starenje kroz umjetnost

    Udruženje Naš Most koristi inicijative iz kulture i umjetnosti kao borbu protiv usamljenosti među starijim osobama. Više od sedam godina, neformalni sedmični sastanci pretvorili su se u formalne kurseve slikanja i rukotvorina, a članstvo je poraslo sa 30 na preko 100 starijih osoba. Udruženje također organizira događaje na kojima se izlažu radovi članova i sarađuje s drugim grupama kako bi stvarali i razmjenjivali podcaste, organizirali koncerte i ponudili druge umjetničke događaje starijim osobama.

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