Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The surprising reason many babies die around the world—and what's being done about it

    Born on Time, a partnership between the Canadian government, Johnson & Johnson, and NGOs, uses a comprehensive approach to reduce premature births, including educating women and men about the risk factors - like having babies close together and poor nutrition - providing free birth control, and encouraging women to deliver at hospitals. The program engages men with twice monthly meetings to teach them about their role in preventing pre-term births and they also run programs at schools that target early and forced marriages, normalize menstruation, and empower girls to have a voice in relationships.

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  • The Promising Results of a Citywide Basic-Income Experiment

    Universal basic income, or UBI, was implemented in Stockton, California through a pilot program known as SEED. Each participant was given $500 with no conditions on how to spend it. The data shows that the largest expense was food, especially as the pandemic began. Participants report being able to quit second jobs and third jobs, pay off debts, and cover medical bills. A key feature of the UBI was the absence of the requirement to be employed in order to receive the money. The basic-income pilot has caught the attention of programs across the country who reached out for advice.

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  • How to Get Contact Tracing Right

    During the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, early efforts at contact tracing by different states in the U.S. proved successful when they relied on people instead of applications or software, which showed high rates of failure since people didn't seem to want to participate or download the applications. New York state relied on human contact tracers, specifically those who lived in the neighborhoods they track. "The city’s initiative has shown early success: As of June 16, it had reached 94% of all new positive cases."

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  • Community peacemakers in Chicago offer a proven alternative to policing

    Nonviolence Chicago uses street-outreach workers to mediate disputes and connect residents of violence-prone neighborhoods to needed services. Its work, amounting to tens of thousands of contacts per year with people involved in violence, has contributed to efforts that reduced homicides and nonfatal shootings in the Austin neighborhood by nearly half from 2016 to 2019. By replacing the police with former gang members and others with street credibility, and working with both victims and shooters, Nonviolence Chicago wins the trust of residents.

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  • The Latino Task Force emerges to take on COVID-19

    The Latino Task Force emerged in response to Covid-19 and has effectively provided services to the Mission District’s Latinx community. Formed by longtime grassroots activists turned influential community leaders, the Task Force and its volunteers provide Spanish-language information, food aid, and funds for out of work or sick residents. They also run the Hub, a physical location where, among other services, residents can get help applying for assistance. While information quickly becomes out of date and individuals' needs change, the Task Force has successfully listened to and responded to community needs.

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  • In Mathare, clean water is music, as Billian shields the Kenyan slum against COVID-19

    In Kenya's rural communities and densely populated areas, accessing sanitation and hygiene methods can be difficult, but in one slum, a nonprofit organization has teamed up with a group of young men in the community to help increase access during the Covid-19 pandemic. Together, they are providing free water and food vouchers to families and setting up hand washing stations throughoutut the area.

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  • The Love Lot: Where Step Up to the Plate offers free meals, live music, and medical attention to Kensington residents during COVID-19

    Step Up to the Plate is a collaborative effort of local organizations that began as a way to help those experiencing food insecurity due to Covid-19. Three outdoor sites have expanded to provide free meals, mental health and addiction resources, COVID-19 testing, live music and art to brighten people’s spirits, and help filling out stimulus check applications. The outdoor distribution site in Kensington gives out 560 healthy lunches a day. While the effort has brought to light just how bad things had gotten, it has also shown how effective organizations can be working together to meet the community’s needs.

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  • Minnesota 'crisis mode chaplains' seek to heal trauma of George Floyd's death

    In Minnesota, volunteer chaplains are attending community events at the request of the participants to provide counsel and support to anyone who may be experiencing symptoms of trauma. Before attending any event to lend help, the volunteer "clergy, spiritual leaders and mental health leaders" first undergo a virtual cultural sensitivity and trauma training. During the events, the interfaith chaplains often perform volunteer duties, but also wear orange shirts to be easily identifiable for those who would like to share.

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  • 'Black At' Instagram accounts put campus racism on display Audio icon

    Students at colleges across the U.S. are taking to social media to confront racism and biases at their campuses. Over 40 "Black at" Instagram accounts were launched in June on which students share their personal stories of racism on campus, educate interested parties through reading lists, and share resources for those wanting to confront their biases and be actively antiracist. Many of the accounts have garnered large followings, and some have even raised thousands of dollars to support defense funds and community centers.

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  • This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years

    The CAHOOTS crisis-response program saves its city money and its people living on the streets a great deal of unwanted police contact – contact that in other places is a common cause of excessive force and arrests that solve nothing. And, while less than 1% of its calls require police backup, the resource-thin agency cautions that it is a partner with police, not an antagonistic replacement, and that its model cannot simply be copied wholesale regardless of where it's used.

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