Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why distance learning is a success in one California district

    Following early rumors of coronavirus-related school closings, one California school district took quick actions, including setting up workshops for teachers on remote learning basics and implementing more flexible curriculum requirements. The schools' real-time decision making has paid off—remote learning has been a relatively successful experience for students and teachers. The district also benefits from an already-existing system in which students receive at-home laptops.

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  • As pandemic continues, community nursing effort looks to grow in the Upper Valley

    In the New England region of the U.S., community nurses are working to fill a void in health care during the coronavirus pandemic for those who may require medical attention but do not need hospital care. As described by the co-director of the Upper Valley Community Nursing Project, "the last thing the health care system needs right now is a lot of people in the emergency room because there have been complications of their chronic diseases, or they’ve fallen or they have problems with their medications."

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  • An impromptu drive-through at a Sikh temple to feed neighbors now helps thousands daily

    The Sikh community in Riverside, California—starting with the United Sikh Mission and the Riverside Sikh Temple—has provided thousands of masks and more than 40,000 homemade hot meals to healthcare professionals and anyone who needs it. They also have sent more than 1,000 meals a day to nursing homes in nearby counties and deliver meals to four local hospitals. The efforts have received community funding, and they have no plans to stop anytime soon because, "there are no days off for hunger."

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  • Ramadan In The Age Of Coronavirus: Some Colorado Muslims View Isolation As An Opportunity To Grow In Their Faith

    An Islamic organization called Downtown Denver’s Islamic Center is helping members of their community adjust to the quarantine and maintain their spiritual practice. All services and counseling has been moved online, and their preexisting food assistance program is still going on, albeit adjusted to accommodate for the shortage of volunteers during the quarantine. They even have many one-on-one phone calls with people to work through specific issues. It's not perfect, and they still want to do more, but for now they are serving a great spiritual and communal need.

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  • Cultivating communities of care

    A mutual aid group in Boulder Country has directed their efforts towards making sure people are accounted for and that they have the goods they need during the coronavirus pandemic. Although the effort is just one of many both in the county and nationwide, they've responded to 70 requests from community members so far. "Help is great if it comes from the government or if it comes from a state apparatus, that’s fine," explains one of the organizers. "But you don’t have to wait if you can get organized with people in your community."

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  • During Ramadan in isolation, Muslims get creative to preserve community

    As the Ramadan season begins, Muslim communities around the world are making adjustments to how they observe it in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Minneapolis, the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood is broadcasting the call to prayer by speaker and in the U.K., the National Huffadh Association has created an online toolkit on how to pray at home. With connection and community a key part of Ramadan, a Reddit thread has started, connecting people for a Secret Santa-style Eid gift exchange, and a Minneapolis programmer has started an online service matching people in time zones to break fast together.

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  • Online meetings beat social isolation

    The Boys and Girls Club of the Lakes Region in New Hampshire have quickly pivoted to offering online classes and outreach to help their students and their family to maintain some semblance of social connection, routine, and normalcy. While technology has helped address the social isolation that has come from the coronavirus pandemic, it is still not a replacement for in-person connection. However, psychologists say that it still can act as the "next-best alternative to being in visual and physical contact."

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  • How location data can help track and stop the spread of COVID-19

    When it comes to containing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, many experts point to contact tracing, in which disease detectives track and monitor the interactions and movements of known infected people, as the key. From more manual, labor-intensive detective methods to high-tech app-based methods, contact tracing tactics can vary, but the basic concept remains the same. However, there is a trade off between safety and privacy.

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  • Portugal's answer to the heroin crisis Audio icon

    When faced with an opioid crisis, the government in Portugual made a drastic decision to decriminalize drug use. This shift in policy allowed for a shift in perspective – addiction problems could now be treated as a public health issue, rather than a criminal issue. This approach resulted in a significant decrease in overdoses, and is now a model that U.S. cities, such as Philadelphia, are looking at to learn from.

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  • Louisiana Hotelier Offers Free Rooms To Medical Workers

    After learning that doctors weren't going home after their shifts for fear of possibly transmitting the coronavirus to their families, a Louisiana hotellier began offering free rooms to medical workers. While the practice isn't financially viable forever, in the short-term, it has been implemented at his other hotels across the country, and healthcare workers are saying it has made a difference for them.

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