Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Teacher Homevisits: School-family partnerships foster student success

    Programs in cities around the United States, including Washington, D.C., and Sacramento, are helping teachers to offer voluntary home visits to their students' families. The home visits provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to learn from one another and collaborate to better support the students. Participants say that the home visits have positively changed the dynamic between parents, teachers, and students by building trust and open communication.

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  • Canton police see success with community policing

    Canton police walk door-to-door in high-crime neighborhoods, playing basketball, picking up trash, and participating in community meetings. The approach is decreasing violence and improving relationships with residents.

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  • Counseling a text away for troubled teens

    Rural Wisconsin has a shortage of mental health resources for youth. Supported by private grants and public funds, Wisconsin's statewide hotline offers counseling via text. The hotline was founded on the belief that young people may be more open to discuss their problems over text than through in-person conversations.

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  • Attorneys don't know best

    The criminal justice system used to view delinquents with a “tough on crime approach;” however, that approach was not human-centered and used community resources that offered little in terms of results. Wisconsin’s Dane County has a Children Come First Program that provides collaborative care with family, school, mental health professionals, and others to keep youth out of jail. The Winnebago County District Attorney believes that this new approach uses less community resources and has decreased the number of youth referred to the juvenile courts.

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  • Telepsychiatry spreading mental health help

    Fifty-one counties in the state of Wisconsin do not have child psychiatrists to provide counseling because most of them live in widely populated urban areas. Wisconsin psychiatrists now are offering telepsychiatry, which enables young people to do video conferencing and live chatting with a psychiatrist even if they are in rural areas. The program has shown that it is just as effective as in-person treatment; however, Wisconsin does not allow private insurers to pay for telemedicine services so the reimbursement for telepsychiatrists is still problematic.

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  • Justice advocates cite state as treatment model

    At-risk children who do not have access to quality mental health care can end up in the juvenile justice system. Wisconsin has initiated a Children Come First program that offers personalized mental health care designed to keep kids from being incarcerated or placed in a hospital setting. The results so far have been successful, with a decrease in the number of youth behind bars and very few need to re-enroll in the program.

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  • Communities step up for kids' mental health

    After shortages of mental health options for kids and untold grief, counties in Wisconsin have responded with new kinds of support for at-risk youth. Wisconsin communities have increased access with reduced wait time, and have used horse therapy, support groups, charity golf that raises awareness, school-group therapy, as well as mobile live chat sessions, among others.

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  • Chipping away at mental health crisis

    The state of Wisconsin has a teen suicide rate three-times greater than the national average. Lawmakers have scrambled to address and provide greater access to mental health services in the state by offering temporary housing shelters, treatment programs, and new police training. The initiative is expanding to three cities and health officials see progress because of a decrease in hospitalizations.

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  • Suicide reveals missed opportunities, parents say

    Wisconsin’s teen suicide rate and affiliated mental health concerns have increased, challenging school systems to maintain the quality of life for students. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has launched a Mental Health Project that allocates funds to different counties to focus on crisis, suicide, violence, and substance abuse prevention in schools. PATH is one successful program from this initiative—with cost-saving measures, increased student productivity, and improved quality of life.

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  • Psychiatrist in a horse barn

    Wisconsin confronts a lack of psychiatrists, in particular those who specialize in working with children. The state has begun a telepsychiatry program that enables a psychiatrist to counsel children in remote rural areas. By using webcams, the program has succeeded at eliminating travel time for psychiatrists and appropriating resources to directly and quickly serve those who need them.

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