Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can Ultimate Frisbee Save the World?

    Ultimate frisbee camps have helped Israeli and Palestinian youth learn conflict resolution skills. Because the game has no referees, players discuss disputes on the field themselves.

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  • This makeup company is using its supply chain to revitalize the rainforest

    Much of Guatemala's lands have been degraded due to a consistently burgeoning industrial market for palm oil and cattle farming. As a company that makes makeup using a variety of plants, beauty corporation Lush has committed to investing in natural plant production by buying land that would otherwise be at threat of deforestation. The Sustainable Lush Fund then works with on-the-ground organizations and farmers to sustainably utilize the land and increase the diversity of crops all while supporting local agriculture.

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  • A New Deal for Refugees

    After hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees fled to Europe in 2015, wealthy European countries became more invested in fixing a broken immigration system, something which had traditionally fallen on poorer countries. Now, more countries are trying to integrate refugees into society, rather than keeping them separated from society in camps. Can countries like Uganda and Jordan who’ve attempted refugee resettlement provide an example for the rest of the world?

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  • Cities Sic the Taxman on Vacant ‘Ghost Homes'

    Vancouver is one city that has shown benefits of a tax on “ghost homes,” or units that sit empty for a certain period of time. The idea is to encourage development and ensure there is ample housing stock for newcomers to the city. San Francisco is considering implementing this system, but it is still in the very early stages of such a shift. However, in Vancouver, the tax has generated millions in taxes which will fund housing initiatives, while decreasing the vacancy rate significantly.

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  • California divers fight to turn the tide on a collapsing ecosystem

    Purple sea urchins are taking over the California coastal waters that were once known for sought-after species such as abalone. Seen as an indicator of an ailing ocean as well as a detriment to local diving businesses, divers from all over California are joining forces to work towards removing a vast amount of the species.

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  • With no-fishing zones, Mexican fishermen restored the marine ecosystem

    In Mexico, many communities rely on fishing to sustain their livelihood. However, in Baja California Sur, this became a problem when the fish disappeared due to overfishing. Although a controversial decision, the community found success in revitalizing the marine population by implementing a number of no-fishing zones and shifting their focus to turning their city into an eco-tourism hub.

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  • Empowering Teenage Girls in a Traditional Village and Across Morocco

    Project Soar is trying to get more young girls in Morocco to finish school, and it’s working. The nonprofit offers after school programs and tutoring to teenage girls, in hopes they continue their education and don’t get married at a young age. “This academic support has increased the passing rate for girls in Project Soar to 73 percent compared with the average passing rate of 44 percent for ninth grade girls in the Marrakesh region, according to the American Embassy in Morocco.” Around 475 girls have benefited from the project.

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  • Latest Attraction at French Theme Park: Crows That Pick Up Trash

    France's second largest theme park faces a daily dilemma of people not throwing their trash away in the bins. To bring awareness to this issue, the park has trained crows to pick up the trash. Although not necessarily employed as a long-term solution, the campaign allows for positive peer pressure with the hope of guilting people into throwing away their own garbage.

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  • Climate Change, the Rio Grande and Border Water

    The Rio Grande River, which provides water to 6 million people and irrigates 2 million acres of farmland, is one of many transnational sources of water imperiled by climate change. Indeed, many states and countries that share water are drawn into conflict over dwindling resources. One relationship between officials in Mexico and the U.S. offers some hope that (with the right coaching) countries can cooperate, even in the face of greater political problems.

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  • How One Kid Stopped the Contamination of a River

    After discovering that raw sewage was flowing into Nova Scotia's LaHave River at alarming rates, an 11-year-old in the community decided study the issue for her science project. After testing the levels of the water and relating the cause of the issue to a certain type of sewage system, she publicized the results through social media, prompting the community to organize around change.

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