Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Environmental impact bonds can help cities invest in green infrastructure

    Environmental impact bonds (EIBs) are a relatively new form of financing that combine private investment with government funding in a “pay for success” model. They are different than municipal bonds in that they are intended as a more experimental approach: for instance, Washington, D.C. started using EIBs to test green infrastructure and evaluate the results. Though all current EIBs are too early-stage to show formal evaluations, they are helping promote sustainability initiatives in D.C., Baltimore, and Atlanta.

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  • How 3 Loved-To-Death Parks Are Taking Action: Permits, Poop Bags And New Paths

    As Colorado's popular parks become slammed with visitors park officials are noticing dramatic environmental impacts to the areas. To mitigate against continuous damage, three parks - Garden of the Gods, Conundrum Hot Springs and Hanging Lake - are piloting stricter Leave No Trace policies via targeted outreach and education.

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  • Rwanda wants to become Africa's first orphanage-free country — here's how

    Rwanda is approaching an ambitious goal - to be orphanage-free - and it's doing so by working to place children in orphanages with extended family and relatives, foster care, or re-integrating into society with the help of youth mentors. The program is based off of Home and Hopes for Children's finding in Romania and strategies are being shared with other countries in Africa, including Ghana and Uganda.

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  • How Max's injury became Max's Law

    After a high school football player in Oregon was concussed in a game, his condition elevated to a traumatic brain injury when he was sent back in to play without proper rest. To combat this lapse in judgment from happening again, the state passed legislation that "set out guidelines that a coach must follow in the event that he or she suspects a player has received a blow to the head or body and then exhibits signs or symptoms consistent with a concussion."

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  • Winds of change: Eco-cremation in India and green power on Samso

    Two communities on opposite sides of the globe are turning to green energy to power their communities. On the island of Samso in Denmark, government officials turned to a cooperative ownership model to build buy-in on the wind and solar energy installations. In India, many Hindus are updating traditional cremation methods, which exact a high environmental cost, by increasing airflow and heat intensity during the cremation process.

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  • The women's health advocates pitching the end of cervical cancer

    90 percent of cervical cancer deaths occur in countries where preventative care is unavailable. An organization called TogetHER is leading the charge to eradicate cervical cancer deaths by raising funds to distribute HPV vaccinations worldwide and integrating cervical cancer screenings into women's health clinics as part of routine care.

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  • Opioid Crisis Compels New York to Look North for Answers

    Supervised injection sites in Canada have prevented hundreds of heroin overdose deaths. Now, New York City is looking to follow Canada's lead with a city-wide initiative to establish safe injection sites. While the Trump Administration is not in support of such sites, experts believe that it is unlikely that the federal government would interfere with a site if a city is in support of it.

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  • Saving Africa's wildlife

    Africa's wildlife have made headlines time and time again, as species find their way closer to extinction. There are some pockets of the continent, however that have provide refuge for species and allowed them to not just populate, but thrive. Recognizing this, a group known as African Parks found a way to use these growing populations to repopulate other areas of the continent by transporting animals to newly protected areas.

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  • Are Handicrafts Intellectual Property? These Guatemalan Women Think So.

    The expansion of intellectual property laws to cover ancestral knowledge can help protect indigenous people from economic exploitation. Indigenous women in Guatemala are working to pass a law similar to one used in Australia and South Africa to protect the use of textile designs.

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  • How Southern organizers are leading the movement to end money bail

    The organization Southerners on New Ground is helping reform the criminal justice system in the south. Activists won a small victory in Atlanta, where the mayor and city council approved a resolution that replaced cash bonds with signature bonds for misdemeanor offenses. They also raised money to help people pay their cash bails as part of a larger event called the National Bail Out collective, which bailed out 147 Black women in 26 cities this year.

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