Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Community groups help Colorado counties participate in Superfund process

    When lead and arsenic levels threatened the communities in Southeastern Colorado, the Environmental Protection Agency was asked to step in. In order to have a seat at the table when decisions were being made, community members in the city of Pueblo created a Community Advisory Group. This allowed them to not only increase their understanding of possible decisions, but also offer feedback. It has also offered a model for surrounding communities that are facing similar situations.

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  • Taking Aim at Gun Violence, With Personal Deterrence

    To decrease the amount of gun-related fatalities, cities are focusing on joint efforts with their communities and police departments to target those most at risk for shooting or being shot on the streets. Known nationally as Ceasefire, this initiative aims to identify the individuals from this selected target group - and open a dialogue about their options and the consequences of gun-related retaliation. Nationally, the program has had some trouble sustaining when the cities rely too much on the police department, but when it works, shooting have decreased dramatically.

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  • 'I have no thought of escaping': inside the Brazilian prisons with no guards

    In Apac prisons, inmates hold the keys. “By committing a crime, prisoners break the social pact,” says Ana Paula Pellegrino of Igarape Institute. “An Apac prison restores this by allowing inmates to work for the community.” Inmates contribute to local projects, follow a routine of work and study, and are addressed by name rather than number. The rehabilitation-focused approach is completely different from what happens in Brazil's mainstream prisons, a fact that motivates inmates to honor the rules.

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  • The Opposite of Gentrification

    A new program in a Philadelphia neighborhood is offering opportunities for locals to curb gentrification. Gentrification occurs when outside developers come to an area and change it without leaving room for locals to remain. The nonprofit Jumpstart Germantown provides training, mentoring, and loans to community members who want to learn to develop their own neighborhoods in an inclusive and sustainable way. So far, 235 people have graduated from the program, and the model has inspired other Philadelphia neighborhoods to start similar programs.

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  • Farmers in Some of the Toughest Places to Do Agriculture Are the Ones Innovating for Climate Change

    It's not easy sustaining historical agricultural practices amidst a backdrop of climate change. Nate McCaffrey of eastern Colorado knows this all too well. So, instead of continuing the conventional ways of farming he had grown up to know, he decided to try out a no-till farming approach, and then went a step further and planted cover crops. Although not without its limitations, this switch in both mindset and practice has allowed him to cultivate healthier soil and save on fuel costs previously allocated towards his old tilling machinery.

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  • A LinkedIn to combat rights abuse?

    Who Was In Command, is a database that publishes the “names, ranks, and command responsibilities of security forces in Nigeria, Egypt, and Mexico.” That’s because when security forces use excessive force, and commit human rights abuses, often people don’t know their name, and can’t report them. Now, the names are all available in one website.

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  • How to bring a high street back from the dead

    Revive local high streets by creating informal spaces for people to linger. That’s the lesson from Bishopthorpe Road in York. Once barely hanging on, Bishy Road’s fortunes changed when shopkeepers decided to band together, close off the road, and host a street party. Thousands of people showed up. The shops have continued to build spaces for people to relax and hang out, and the high street is now voted one of Britain’s best.

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  • Oakland restaurant devises system to combat customers' harassment of workers

    In Oakland, California a restaurant has created a system that allows servers to covertly notify management of harassment from customers. Employees of the establishment, Homeroom, came together to develop a color-coded system that keeps servers safe from customers, gives managers the opportunity to intervene, and empowers and trusts employees when they say they’re being harassed.

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  • These Moroccans are turning foggy days into a solution to their water crisis

    Water was scarce in the Moroccan Ait Baamrane tribal region, which meant women and children often had to travel great distances to fetch water from wells. A new technology that harvests water from fog, however, has changed their way of life by generating enough clean drinking water for the entire region.

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  • What It Means for ICA Philadelphia to Become the First WAGE-Certified Museum—and Why Other Institutions Should Care

    The organization Working Artists and the Greater Economy (WAGE) works with non-profit arts organizations to establish fair payment for artists. WAGE established a fee structure for 15 categories of artistic labor with a sliding scale based on the organization’s total operating expenses. Organizations that adhere to the fee structure are WAGE ‘certified.’

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