Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Need Growing for Fire Mitigation in Homes at Wildland-Urban Interface

    A nonprofit in Colorado helps homeowners protect their properties from fires by making them “stand-alone defensible.” That means controlling fuels on the property to affect a fire's behavior and possibly avoid losing the home if fire suppression crews cannot reach the site. This is especially important as more homes are at risk because more people build in areas closer to wilderness and Western fires are growing bigger and hotter due to climate change and drought.

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  • Did Fort Collins grow too big too fast?

    Bozeman, Montana looks to Fort Collins, Colorado for strategies on what to do -- and what not to do -- when tackling urban planning for rapid expansion. While Fort Collins planned for growth by creating tasks forces to evaluate what citizens need the most in their communities, the city didn't account for the scale of population growth it saw in very little time. Bozeman hopes to emulate the level of civic engagement while also creating better models to predict and serve a rapidly expanding population size.

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  • The story of Madadi: How an act of courage created a unique maternal care clinic in Kebbi

    A small farming community in Nigeria attracted the attention of local and state governments as well as NGOs when they built themselves a two room primary school in 2003. With additional funding from many actors, the community was able to expand their school, build living quarters for teachers, develop a health clinic, and fund a separate maternity health clinic in just 12 years.

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  • Hole in the Fence

    In the 1980s the Mexican economy falls and a surge of undocumented immigrants begin crossing the Rio Grande river into El Paso, TX. Border Patrol agents begin stopping and questioning high school students near the border in Bowie High School. After one of the high school teachers finds out, the students began to organize, eventually suing border patrol for infringing on their constitutional rights. Ultimately, the high school students win a landmark civil rights case. “We couldn’t believe we took on the federal government and won.”

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  • Wheat in heat: the 'crazy idea' that could combat food insecurity

    After many years of attempts, scientists have discovered how to create a heat tolerant wheat that has the potential of impacting the growing concerns around food insecurity. Tested in sub-Saharan temperatures in Senegal, the International Centre for Research in the Dry Areas (Icarda) have seen success with their strain of wheat that turns this formerly cold-weather only crop into a fast-growing crop that can withstand 40C temperatures and be grown in the between seasons of planting rice crops.

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  • What if what really matters in fighting crime is how well you know your neighbor?

    It turns out the old adage of knowing your neighbor really can help make your neighborhood safer. A study of more than 250 cities found that a key factor behind a drop in crime in the last 20 years was the mobilizing of citizens by nonprofit organizations like block clubs. In Milwaukee these “urban guardians” have helped bring communities together and foster safer spaces that also address urban blight.

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  • Land Conservancies Enter Unfamiliar Territory: the City

    Conservation groups and land trusts that typically serve rural areas have begun integrating their missions and services in urban communities to battle environmental inequity and blight. In cities like Cleveland and Seattle, these land trusts address racial and economic disparities in the fight to preserve land, making sure to orient their renewal efforts in a way that positively impacts minority communities.

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  • Districts save billions in malaria campaign

    Uganda uses indoor insecticide in houses and other structures to reduce cases of malaria. Allowing local governments to manage the program rather than hiring partners has more than halved implementation costs.

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  • Want to save your job and make more money? Buy out your boss

    The owners of Novograf, a UK-based marketing company, faced a challenge when they were ready to retire. They did not want to sell their company and risk a relocation of the factory, which would take away jobs from the local economy. Instead, they sold their company to their employees. Data shows that employee-ownership leads to higher wages and higher job satisfaction. One year after the transition to employee-ownership, Novograf sales grew by 20%.

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  • Muslim women are speaking out against abuse with #MosqueMeToo

    Egyptian journalist and author Mona Eltahawy created the hashtag #MosqueMeToo to share her experience about getting sexually assaulted during Hajj, a five day pilgrimage to Mecca that takes place every year. Eltahawy wanted to follow the footsteps of Tarana Burke, and create an intersectional platform where all types of women can speak out against their abusers. “We are putting men on notice that we are done.”

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