Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Opioid Crisis Forces Physicians To Focus On Alternative Pain Treatments

    Opioid abuse claimed over 53 000 American lives in 2016, and has been a cause for concern. Now doctors are looking to alternatives to opioids, both medication and non-medication options, that can be decided based on thorough assessments and discussing the consequences of opioids with patients.

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  • The return of Mexico's midwives is helping rural and indigenous mothers

    The CASA school in Guanajuato was founded to train midwives and advocate for their role during childbirth. CASA's students receive an education in modern medicine as well as traditional practices, with the goal of being able to effectively care for indigenous women. The Mexican government recognized midwives as health care professionals as 2011, and schools based on the CASA model have been started across the country.

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  • Rural Ga. Businesses Increasingly Prop Up Struggling Health Care System

    In order to battle the government healthcare gaps, the time lost from workers leaving to seek medical attention, and the closing of hospitals, some rural companies have opened their own clinics nearby. This way workers can get medical attention quickly and efficiently, and keep physicians nearby even if hospitals close.

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  • Farmers spot diseased crops faster with artificial intelligence

    Oftentimes in farming, once farmers spot an issue with a crop, it is too late to save it. Artificial intelligence is changing that, starting with implementing the technology that is used to manage orchards into the practice of growing corn and soybeans.

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  • Reclaiming Appalachia: A Push to Bring Back Native Forests to Coal Country

    Tearing down trees to save a forest? While that may not sound like a solution, it could in fact be the key to restoring the former forest that inhabited the Appalachian region in the Eastern United States. “Ripping so deep might seem extreme, but it’s the only way to give these native trees a chance,” says Chris Barton, co-founder of non-profit Green Forests Works and a professor specializing in forest hydrology and watershed management, by means of explaining the ongoing effort he and other researchers, scientists and non-profits are making to reclaim native forests in this region.

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  • Can red-light cameras help curb Milwaukee's reckless drivers?

    A columnist looks at the proposal to bring red light cameras to Milwaukee after a string of horrific car accidents where a driver blew through traffic lights. The piece covers a good deal of data on the efficacy of red light cameras in Chicago and elsewhere, pointing out the positive results of fewer crashes while pointing out the flaws, such as an increase in rear-end collisions. The author also explains how he reported the story and provides numerous links to resources so readers can continue to explore the topic.

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  • Meet the Woman Who's Boosting Arizona's Mom-and-Pop Business Culture

    Kimber Lanning, is the founder of Local First Arizona, a coalition of local businesses with 3,200 members, making it the largest in the country. Local First helps local businesses obtain the resources they need to compete with large corporations. They also try to educate people and dispel myths they have about buying local

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  • Ancestral Pueblo logging practices could save New Mexico pinelands

    As wildfires become increasingly more prevalent and powerful, researchers in New Mexico are turning their attention to mitigation successes from ancestral generations. By implementing some of these methods such as selective logging, the hope is that intentional thinning of forests will lead to similar results.

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  • A harvest of sunshine

    Solar powered assistive technologies boost economic gains and quality of life for rural communities in Nigeria. Rural farmers can rent solar dryers for a faster and more efficient way to dry their harvests, which can earn them greater profits. Solar refrigeration kiosks also allow farmers to sell more by extending the shelf life of foods, while solar home systems provide an affordable way for rural communities to tap into electric grids to power appliances, opening up more possibilities for work, education, and ease of daily life. Many of these products and services are run by women entrepreneurs.

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  • Diversity In Publishing: Still Hideously Middle-Class and White?

    Many initiatives have been implemented to increase the diversity of British literary culture efforts such as establishing new publishing imprints, pairing writers with agents and editors, and providing paid internships. In addition, small publishers and festivals—often initially crowdfunded and run by people of color—have been making an impact as well. For long-term change—rather than the success of individual writers or imprints—to happen, the composition of boards of directors for publishers, organizations, and funders needs to change along with the people empowered to purchase books for publication.

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