Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Power Plants That May Save a Park, and Aid a Country

    In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Virunga National Park is facing a crisis of deforestation amid the backdrop of the war-torn country. In this same region, power plants stand as a semblance of hope, offering the prospect of both jobs and electricity. It hasn't been an easy journey, and many obstacles are on the horizon, but much has already been learned from trial and error.

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  • Justice, Restored? New North Lawndale Court Aims to Change Punitive System

    A new restorative justice court in a Chicago neighborhood shows promise in bringing healing to the community through having defendants repair harm they’ve done and reintegrate into the community. It has support from key members of the criminal justice system but it faces funding issues and getting buyin from the community. Some argue restorative justice cannot operate effectively within the existing criminal justice system.

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  • Santa Fe clinic steps to the plate in opioid war

    New Mexico has been fighting the rise of the opioid epidemic for decades, so when medical professionals noticed an increase in opioid-dependent mothers giving birth, one doctor started a new program to address this. This program uses both medication-assisted substance abuse treatment and behavioral therapy, and has resulted in a decrease in overdose deaths.

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  • Alaska's Small Villages Turn Toward Renewables—And Don't Look Back

    Alaska is a state of remote and rural townships, where everything costs more to access - from food to fuel - and plunging global oil prices have pushed the state economy to the brink of financial crisis. But communities such as Buckland are taking steps to move away from dependence on fossil fuels through the building of renewable energy micro-grids. Wind, geothermal, hydro, and solar power not only help keep the lights on, but are contributing to the stabilization of local economies.

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  • We need to change how we bury the dead

    Burying the deceased in a traditional casket has shown to have harmful impacts on the environment. Reforming this process by implementing one of the several green options such as cremation, natural burials, or alkaline hydrolysis can lead to not only better environmental health, but also save resources such as money and space.

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  • Humans are damaging the fragile Galapagos ecosystem. Maybe coffee can help save it.

    Scalesia, is a species of tree native to the Galapagos Islands that is quickly disappearing thanks to human activity. With much of the island's wildlife dependent on this tree, the ecosystem is threatened with the tree's extinction. Conservationists have taken action, however, by planting thousands of the trees as part of a shade-grown coffee operation.

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  • How Ljubljana turned itself into Europe's ‘green capital'

    Ljubljana was once a highly crowded city but since the election of its mayor, the city has become far more green due to a clear strategic plan and efficient mayoral office. The largest impact change was making the downtown core largely car free, other changes such as reducing waste and creating urban gardens have also had an impact.

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  • Could underwater garages solve Boston's parking shortage?

    Boston needs more parking spaces, especially in a neighborhood surrounded by water. It is looking to build an underwater parking garage, like the ones being built in Amsterdam, in order to free up street level space and add more parking to decrease car pollution from driving around searching for a parking spot.

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  • Germany bets on second time lucky with migrant workers

    Germany is learning from its past, and implementing measures that will safeguard successful integration of refugees into the workforce. In the 1960s thousands of Turkish people were recruited to fill labor shortages, but were not given support to help them integrate. They still struggle to enter the workforce. Now, the country devised a program aimed at language learning and job skills development for incoming asylum seekers. “The lesson that Germany learnt is that integration is something you work on.”

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  • Catching food security in a dipnet

    In Alaska, transitioning from sport fishing to dipnetting, a practice that allows a much higher limit for the amount of fish that can be caught, has resulted in a sustainable food supply for some families. Although not without limitation, such as the distance and expense of getting to the coastal areas necessary, the results have caught the eyes of researchers in the subsistence division at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

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