Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • New York Just Gave Low-Income Tenants a Big Weapon in Housing Court: A Lawyer

    "Nationwide, 90 percent of landlords have attorneys, but 90 percent of tenants do not." New York City is combating this inequality with a new law guaranteeing lawyers to defend low-income tenants in housing court. The goal: prevent unjustified evictions and keep people housed.

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  • Keeping an Eye on What the Arctic Throws Down Iceberg Alley

    Although many know the name of the Titanic, not many are necessarily aware of what happened in the aftermath of the devastating crash. To mitigate against another ship hitting an iceberg, the International Ice Patrol under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea was created. This group monitors icebergs that obstruct the traffic in the trans-Atlantic shipping lanes via flyovers by airplanes conducting ice reconnaissance flights. Due to climate change, however, there has been a recent push for enhanced satellite coverage.

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  • A Rust Belt City's School Turnaround

    In a Buffalo school district where many students from low-income families struggled with trauma, attendance, and the effects of poverty, a nonprofit initiative called Say Yes to Education is implementing drastic change. The program increases graduation rates for minority students, grants scholarships and admissions guidance to colleges, provides medical and mental health care to under-served students, brings in mentors and after-school programs, and even assists students parents with job-readiness workshops and housing assistance.

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  • A Tool to Accelerate Energy Storage for Solar PV Projects

    Since its inception, the controversial drawback with solar power is that it is powered by the sun, which fails to shine all of the time. To combat this issue, organizations are working to create a tool that can increase energy storage and expand energy resiliency all while making the effort more affordable.

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  • Conundrum Hot Springs Has A Poop Problem, So You May Have To Bag Your Business

    Hikers in Conundrum Hot Springs often do not properly dispose of their human waste, burying it or leaving it in the open where it can contaminate the water or make the trails less enjoyable. "Wag bags" are bags distributed to hikers to put their waste in and hike it out of the area and to a trash can.

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  • The New Technology That Promises to Blow up Illegal Fishing

    Illegal fishing is a grave concern that not only threatens to destroy the ocean's ecosystem but the livelihoods of billions of people around the world who depend on stable fish populations for food. Now, software developed in a partnership between Vulcan - a private Seattle-based tech firm - and Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization allows law enforcement to quickly analyze suspicious patterns from the transponders of thousands of ships at a time, using special algorithms that automatically detect is a ship is a high-risk for criminal activity.

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  • The Great Los Angeles Revolt Against Cars

    Los Angeles has faced deepening issues of severe traffic and extreme smog pollution in the past several decades, but for years intentions and promises to broadly improve transportation have fallen flat. At long last, the most congested city in the world - once home to the most extensive urban rail network on the planet - is reviving rail lines and trains as a solution to both issues. Robust public transport has proven to have multi-layered economic, cultural, environmental, and social benefits to communities.

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  • Land-conflict mediation in the Great Lakes region

    In the Great Lakes region of Africa, land disputes can escalate to violence. Subsistence agriculture is the dominant source of income, making land precious, and as populations increase and refugees return home, property rights are not always clear. Search for Common Ground is reducing violence by training mediators to find peaceful ways of resolving these high-stakes conflicts.

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  • Breaking the Opioid Habit in Dentists' Offices

    Oral surgeons and other doctors tend to prescribe opioids to their patients following surgery, which has arguably contributed to a rising number of patients, especially those under the age of 25, developing addictions. Now, thanks to increased awareness and new protocols, doctors and dentists are prescribing fewer opioids and more non-addictive pain killers, as well as educating their patients about their prescriptions.

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  • In Chelsea, coalition aims to save lives on verge of unraveling

    Historically, the numerous nonprofits, charities, and public agencies seeking to address issues such as homelessness, addiction, and hunger have been stuck operating in their own silos, creating more of a reactive rather than preventative system and preventing such organizations from maximizing efficiency. A new model of cooperation and information that originated in Canada is proving highly effective in Chelsea, bringing together various groups and providing a structure for the sharing of resources, so they can better reach and help citizens in need.

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