Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Detroit Success Story Visible From Space

    In just three years, Detroit carried out an ambitious $185 million project to re-illuminate the city's 88,000 streetlights, half of which were dark, with new energy-efficient LED lights. Through its new Public Lighting Authority, the city used an innovative funding scheme to pay for the lights even in the midst of municipal bankruptcy. After the lights went up, residents felt safer, and businesses felt a noticeable bump.

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  • Keeping it cool: Malaysia looks to district energy systems.

    A collaborative effort among the United Nations' District Energy in Cities Initiative, the Malaysian government, and private partners has facilitated planning in Malaysia's rapidly developing southern state of Johor for a "District Energy System": a single heating and cooling network which decreases energy consumption by converting waste heat from large power stations. Because of this intervention, Iskandar is projected to decrease its energy use by almost 40% -- all while saving money on energy costs, recycling heat energy, and contributing to the nation's goals under the international Paris Accord.

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  • Turning Goats into Water

    Fariel Salahuddin was determined to tackle the extreme lack of access to fresh water she encountered in rural Pakistani communities, but she wanted the model to be sustainable, not dependent on donations. Most of the communities didn't have regular access to rupees to help sustain their solar water pump micro-enterprises - what they did have, however, were goats. Salahuddin set up a scheme where villagers could pay for their clean water access with livestock instead of cash, which she then sells using Facebook at high rates during Muslim festivals to generate a sustainable revenue source.

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  • This Camden Halfway Home is Reducing Recidivism Across the River

    Many previously incarcerated people struggle to both rehabilitate and gain the necessary skills for a successful post-prison life. This article looks at Hope Hall, a halfway house using a comprehensive approach meant to address underlying issues of incarceration as well as prepare participants for future employment.

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  • Food waste is the world's dumbest problem

    Since 1999, the FoodCam has helped to nearly eliminate food waste at one MIT lab. Any time someone has leftover food at the lab, they can place it under a camera and hit a button, which then triggers the FoodCam to take a photo of the food and post it to slack, Twitter, and an email list. The simple invention has significantly reduced food waste, representing a small positive change to a serious global challenge.

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  • This Cuban lung cancer drug is giving some U.S. patients hope

    CIMAvax, a new lung cancer treatment based in Cuba, has proved to stop and reduce the growth of tumors. Although it's not FDA regulated, many Americans are turning to the therapeutic drug in hopes of reducing the effects of cancer.

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  • When Chicago cops moonlight, no one is watching

    There is much to be learned from The Chicago Police Department's failure to regulate moonlighting police officers. Boasting the nation's weakest oversight of documenting its officer's second-shift jobs, the department has seen repercussions both in shooting statistics and tax payer dollars. It's not what Chicago is doing that is a solution, but what others are doing that they should learn from.

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  • What cops aren't learning

    A Minneapolis police department has placed a new focus on equipping its officers with conflict de-escalation techniques. After incorporating communication and listening skills into its training, the department has seen a decrease in the use of force.

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  • Most states neglect ordering police to learn de-escalation tactics to avoid shootings

    Some cities in the United States have integrated de-escalation and mental health tactics into police training, and have thus seen a decrease in the use of force, as well as an increase in community trust.

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  • Erasing Gang Memories, One Laser Prick At A Time

    Many immigrants come into the United States with visual representation of former gang involvement, preventing them from shedding their past mistakes. A group in Northern Virginia is helping these immigrants make life changes and prevent gang violence in their area.

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