Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Mayor's youth council gives Cleveland youth a voice

    In Cleveland, a youth council program started by the mayor, gives teens a voice in helping improve life for young people in the city. Kids on this council have propelled more security near the city’s recreation centers, better school lunches, more tutoring for state exams, all the while developing leadership skills.

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  • World's first city to power its water needs with sewage energy

    With climate change an ever-increasing threat, one city in Denmark is helping to inspire hope through the successful implementation of a self-sustaining treatment plant that provides fresh water to the local community using only energy produced from the waste and sewage it filters. Other cities are now looking to replicate the model.

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  • Big Bet Philanthropy: How More Givers Are Spending Big And Taking Risks To Solve Society's Problems

    For the superrich and the biggest U.S. charitable foundations, donating to universities, hospitals and cultural institutions is the norm. Less common are donations targeted at "social change" such as alleviating poverty or tackling global warming - but that is beginning to change. An in-depth study from the Bridgespan Group is showing how big bets in philanthropy are paying off, as well as what factors - such as a close donor-recipient relationship - are key to success.

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  • ‘Daily mile' craze in Britain hopes to tackle national obesity crisis

    An obesity crisis has spread across Britain. A trend in some schools called "the daily mile" has children put their pens down and run or walk a mile every school day.

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  • As Seattle eyes supervised drug-injection sites, is Vancouver a good model?

    King County may become home to the first publicly supervised site in the U.S. where addicts could use illegal drugs such as heroin. The proposal is modeled on Insite, a center in Vancouver, B.C., that has prevented nearly 5,000 overdoses in 13 years and the spread of infectious diseases through supervised injection and a needle exchange program.

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  • Our children: Puppet pals teach children resiliency, social skills

    Preschoolers have a lot of strong emotions and tend to internalize whatever they're surrounded by which puts kids from stressful homes at a disadvantage. Al’s Pals is a national elementary curriculum that develops young children's social-emotional and problem-solving skills through puppet shows.

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  • Planting roof roses to attract Edinburgh's rare butterfly

    Edinburgh has begun a conservation project where roof space is transformed into a habitat for butterflies. The success of the project is being closely monitored with hopes of helping butterflies survive in the area, and attract new butterfly species to the area.

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  • Kenya embraces solar to meet energy needs

    In order to meet the needs of the country, Kenya is slowly moving away from costly and environmentally damaging energy sources to solar powered energy. Farmers and medical clinics alike are seeing the benefit both from a financial and practical standpoint, as they embrace solar installations that help them do business even better.

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  • Canada moves ahead on carbon taxes, leaving the U.S. behind

    The United States has refused to institute a carbon tax, but Canada has agreed to a carbon tax in all provinces by 2018. The carbon tax has received support across party lines, however, some elections remain to see if the carbon tax favoring candidates are elected.

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  • How Mysuru became India's ‘cleanest city'

    Mysuru has become a gleaming example for solutions to India's vaster struggles with solid-waste management, toilet construction, sanitation strategy, public outreach, and other measures. The city uses a decentralized model that leverages a mix of municipal resources, NGO leadership, civil society, and cooperation from proud residents and businesses.

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