Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How to Beat Dengue and Zika: Add a Microbe to Mosquitoes

    The dengue virus is spread by mosquito and infects 400 million people every year with no vaccine or successful treatment. Scientists have started to inject mosquitoes with a bacteria they have found to stop the virus to prevent and control the spread of dengue. Trials have shown success in Australia, so the project is in the process of scaling to other countries that have dengue more widespread, and new experiments will begin on whether it can effectively stop the spread of the Zika virus.

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  • The surprisingly simple economic case for giving refugees cash, not stuff

    In the Middle East, refugee camps are expensive to run-- particularly because shipping food aid is expensive, and the refugees feel victimized in an environment where they have no agency or purchasing power. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has moved refugees in Jordan out of camps and has given cash instead of in-kind aid, and new possibilities emerge with mobile money by the aid of new technology. The results have shown that refugees feel more empowered and the costs associated with their aid are reduced.

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  • A new brand of doctor targets the unhealthy in rural Tennessee

    An emerging health care model, in Tennessee, has expanded to about 50 counties under a federal innovation program aimed at trying to give better care at lower prices.

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  • Pathways to recovery

    In Española, New Mexico, a state-funded program called the Pathways Community HUB Model brings law enforcement, health care providers, and treatment centers together to make sure they have a whole picture of each addiction patient's medical and criminal background. The program allows all entities to have access to a single database with medical and criminal records, allowing people working to combat addiction in the community to have a better idea of each patient's story.

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  • Connecting social justice and black identity at a national debate camp in Baltimore

    In the past, debate teams have lacked diversity and have been mostly compromised by white students. Beginning in the 1990s, Urban Debate Leagues engaged minority students and challenged the traditional style of debate, which was disconnected from communities of color. In cities like Baltimore, students of color are encouraged to debate by talking about their “black identity and structural racism.”

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  • Two unsexy solutions to help Larimer County's homeless

    Two Northern Colorado counties and Fort Collins, especially, face high levels of homelessness. It's not because there are no organizations dedicated to the issue. Rather, a lack of coordination among the veterans' service groups, state and federal welfare departments, and homelessness prevention groups has stymied effective solutions to decreasing homelessness. Now, state-supported Homeward 2020 has implemented a data management system and housing placement accountability program among the service providers. The low-cost model is showing success, and will be rolled out to other regions across the state.

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  • Barriers to Reforming Police Practices

    With the police killings of Freddie Gray, Laquan McDonald, and other black lives across the country, the problem remains how to reform police departments and reduce excessive force on unarmed men and women. Procedural justice is a strategy that centers on legitimizing the law for at-risk communities by building trust, so that the environment of policing changes to one of respect and less crime results. Procedural justice has begun to be implemented across U.S. police departments with some measurable successes, although police accountability remains important and should be an extension of the strategy.

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  • Whitefield residents take charge of their own streets Ugly Indian style

    Many neighbourhoods in Bengaluru suffer from significant pollution, creating an environment conducive to pests and an overall higher likelihood of continued littering. The organization Whitfield Rising conducts 'spot-fixes', consisting of 'beautifying' dirty areas and of educating residents on proper disposal procedures in order to keep their neighbourhoods clean. The result is increased local citizen pride for their neighbourhoods and an onus to keep their communities clean.

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  • A Strategy to Build Police-Citizen Trust

    The increase of violence between the police and Black communities across the country requires a reconstruction of the relationship that addresses empathy, trust, and crime reduction. The Department of Justice has developed test programs in different cities that train police officers in procedural justice. The early results of this program in Stockton, CA show that communities and police have built trust and law legitimacy, while the crime rate has not increased.

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  • How Congress made micro-hydro easier for mountain towns

    Micro-hydro projects in the United States have become much more accessible and more financially viable since Congress passed a law in 2013 making it easier for small hydroelectric projects to get federal approval. Specifically, water treatment plants that can retrofit their systems to generate electricity are an excellent energy opportunity. The plant in Grand Lake now produces more electricity than it consumes.

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