Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Congress made micro-hydro easier for mountain towns

    Micro-hydro projects in the United States have become much more accessible and more financially viable since Congress passed a law in 2013 making it easier for small hydroelectric projects to get federal approval. Specifically, water treatment plants that can retrofit their systems to generate electricity are an excellent energy opportunity. The plant in Grand Lake now produces more electricity than it consumes.

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  • Roanoke initiative shifts from arresting addicts to helping them

    In one year, the drug overdoses in Roanoke, VA have taken 12 lives and another 76 have overdosed but survived. The police department developed a new program called the Roanoke Valley Hope Initiative, designed to provide rehabilitation without arrest for those who seek it. The program simulates the successful national effort to help drug abusers instead of incarcerating them.

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  • Ideas to Save our Failing High Schools

    Young people are graduating from high schools and not ready for college level work. Liz Willen describes different initiatives around the United States that have provided solutions for improving secondary education. She addresses the importance of STEM, role models for students, and project-based learning.

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  • Winning the Campaign to Curb Teen Pregnancy

    Compared with other developed countries, the United States has a higher rate of teenage pregnancy. However, Colorado has collaborated with foundations, private donors, and has taken advantage of Obamacare’s coverage to offer free long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) for several years. The program providing LARCs has contributed to a drop in the teenage abortion rate, the teenage pregnancy rate, and fewer children born in poverty, all while being a cost-saving measure for taxpayers.

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  • Beirut Madinati has set its sights on Lebanon national politics

    Arab governments have expended a lot of energy keeping politics of any stripe out of the public sphere. With a few hundred volunteers and hardly any money, an upstart campaign called Beirut Madinati — “Beirut Is My City” — is challenging the status quo, displaying the kind of savvy civic politics promised by the Arab Spring.

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  • How a new source of water is helping reduce conflict in the Middle East

    Israel experienced extreme drought a few years ago and its water supply was very low. National campaigns to install desalination plants have helped Israel turnaround its inadequate water supply into a surplus. The water scientists who have helped make this surplus see an opportunity for water diplomacy and the de-politicization of water in the Middle East so that more of it can be shared with other geographies.

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  • Germany sets a new solar storage record

    Solar power is an important renewable energy in Germany, but when the sun is out, it can overpower the grid. Likewise, when the sun is not out, the reception of solar power decreases. Germany has piloted battery installations that store solar energy for use when the sunlight is not plentiful and has successfully incentivized citizens to use them to lower costs.

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  • Health officials are trying to curtail violence by treating trauma, but the people who need help most are not seeking it

    Baltimore and other cities saw an increase in violence and individuals repeatedly ending up in the hospital with serious injuries, which mass jailing did not solve, leading to the creation of Shock Trauma's Violence Intervention program. This program's specialist-Ross assesses and tries to convince victims of violence to enter the program which helps them deal with their past trauma in order not to retaliate and instigate more violence, for those who engage in the program it is quite successful.

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  • Blockchain: the answer to life, the universe and everything?

    The technology world, plagued by a lack of privacy and security, is looking for solutions. To increase trustworthiness of computers, transactions, and pretty much anything online, blockchain is being used all around the world. While blockchain was first used by the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, it is now being used in such diverse ways as to track business products, trade in the stock market, and support musical collaboration. Blockchain's applications are continuing to grow and spread.

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  • Giving Girls a Second Chance at Education

    A special accelerated education program named Udaan in India offers a chance for girls aged 11-14 from rural areas to quickly complete their primary schooling. The highly interactive and engaging curriculum teaches girls language, math, environmental science, and gender politics. In 2016 the program joined President Obama's "Let Girls Learn" initiative to expand across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malawi, Mali, Nepal, Pakistan and Somalia to reach 3 million girls.

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