Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • From the roof to the living room, startups tackle urban farming

    Farmland is expensive and scarce in urban areas. In Boston Higher Ground Farm uses green roofs to grow its produce and Grove Lab has designed a cabinet for people to grow their vegetables indoors.

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  • This Solution To Poverty In Slums Needs To Be Rapidly Replicated

    In South Africa, the extreme gap between rich and poor is the root cause of cyclical poverty, and those living in slums face particularly high barriers to education, healthcare, and quality of life. The Ubuntu Education Fund is using a comprehensive approach that includes sustainable investment in community leadership and infrastructure, a cradle-to-career household stability service, and a dexterous, community oriented approach to helping break the cycle of poverty.

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  • Putting Away the Books to Learn

    Many charter and private schools in the U.S. have replaced book-based learning and memorization with a do-it-yourself learning style. This is part of the national maker education movement which aims aims to help children believe in their own capabilities and problem solving skills.

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  • Early intervention can stop schizophrenia

    Mental health research results motivated the U.S. government to fund integrated treatment programs for first-episode psychosis in clinics across the nation.

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  • Instead of Jail, Court Fines Cut to Fit the Wallet

    In the U.S., arrests for the inability to pay fines increase incarceration rates and discriminate against the poor. Many countries make fines proportional to an offender's ability to pay, lowering recidivism and saving the government money.

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  • Small Business Survival: Government Gridlock Stymies Solutions

    A starting point for addressing the problem of small-business extinction - a description of possible solutions being enacted in New York City.

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  • Meet the Giant Rats That Are Sniffing out Landmines

    APOPO, an international nonprofit, has trained Gambian pouched rats to sniff out landmines in countries across the world. These rats have terrible vision, but an amazing sense of smell and have cleared over 13,000 mines since 1997. Training the rats takes about nine months, and includes socializing, teaching them how to walk on a rope in the field, and of course, how to sniff out miniscule amounts of TNT.

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  • Are mass shootings preventable? These countries have tried

    The U.S. continues to experience mass shootings, and many Americans deny that tightening gun laws will help. However, countries like Australia, the United Kingdom, Finland, and Norway have reduced gun violence through stricter regulations.

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  • How L.A. Gets Kids to Show Up at School

    Schools in Los Angeles have strict consequences for truancy and tardiness but offer rewards and recognition for good attendance. Administrators use iPhones to record the ID numbers of tardy students, tracking them in order to engage the appropriate intervention.

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  • Prison Without Punishment

    Both incarceration and crime rates are low is Western Europe where the focus in prison is on rehabilitating prisoners so they can return to society. American leaders visited a prison in Germany to consider implementing certain aspects in the United States.

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