Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Kenya's Water Women

    Kenya's female water tank masons are delivering measurable benefits to their communities and empowering other women to take up leadership roles.

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  • Can Bats Reduce Nut Farmers' Pesticide Use?

    In California some farms lose up to 10 percent of their crop due to coddling moths. Davis University is measuring the impact bats have on various walnut farms, such as potential savings from reduced insecticide use and crop loss to insects.

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  • Doctor slashes the cost of surgeries for India's poor

    In a country where millions of citizens make less than $2 a day, a chain of hospitals has brought down the prices of life-saving surgeries and pioneered a health insurance plan that is just 11 cents a month. These hospitals, called Narayana Health Systems, are exemplified by their productivity, efficiency and volume of surgeries performed, far outstripping the rates of American hospitals. To prove that the same model could work in a developed country, the hospitals opened a location in the Cayman Islands, which proved to be vastly successful and offered hope that this model could continue to spread.

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  • Could These Two Environmental Challenges Be the Answer to Each Other?

    Sub-Saharan Africa faces significant challenges in two areas that previously may have been considered in separate spheres: lack of access to sanitary waste disposal, and a growing need for clean, affordable energy. Now, several companies are scaling solutions for how each of these issues actually solve the other. In Kenya, they are finding ways to turn human waste into fuel and fertilizer, effectively addressing both issues simultaneously.

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  • 'Pay as You Go' Solar Power Rewriting the Book

    In so-called 'developing countries,' the focus is often simply on industrializing areas without electricity. In an effort to think beyond this to create sustainable and forward-looking infrastructure, socially- and environmentally-motivated private-sector initiatives have been pioneering off-grid "pay as you go'' solar-home systems. These have brought clean light and basic electricity services to hundreds of thousands of households across Africa.

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  • How better seeds make Timor-Leste climate resilient

    A Ministry of Agriculture project called "Seeds of Life" grants local farmers genetically-solidified seeds in order to fight food insecurity in the country. The farmers will produce the crops and sell them back to both the Ministry and the community, thus expanding access to quality food and stimulating the local economy. Since the program has started, maize production has increased 50%, rice production increased 25%, and sweet potato production increased 65-130%.

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  • In growing cities, parking challenges require creative solutions

    As cities are flooded with new residents, parking becomes a bigger issue. Some cities, such as Denver and Cleveland, are opting against a parking lot that takes up a lot of place, and are investing in more creative ideas such as new public transport options and parking prices that vary according to a variety of factors.

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  • Former Black Panther Launches Oakland Urban Farm to Give Ex-Prisoners a Fresh Start

    After incarceration, Black men and women have a difficult time re-integrating into society without financial and educational resources. A former Black Panther activist has created the non-profit Oakland &the World Enterprises to offer an urban farm as a prisoner re-entry program and community center. The Oakland project supports self-sufficiency, self-determination, and empowerment for Black people.

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  • Green Energy for the Poor

    Creative, bottom-up solutions in renewable energy and land use are helping combat poverty in many parts of rural Africa. An innovative business model combining solar power and cellphones allows rural areas to access clean electricity. Agroforestry techniques also restore degraded land, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and increase agricultural productivity.

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  • Cities are finally treating water as a resource, not a nuisance

    Cities across the world, suffering from increased threats of floods and droughts due to climate change, are finding new ways to manage water, such as reclaiming natural waterways and increasing on spot water absorption.

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