Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Grass-Roots Drive for Clean Elections in Karnataka

    B. Godihal is one of the thousands of communities in Karnataka that have worked to hold clean elections, stirred by a confluence of awareness campaigns by nongovernmental organizations and rising public frustration with candidates’ broken promises.

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  • In Delivery Rooms, Reducing Births of Convenience

    The rate of Cesarean sections is on the rise in the United States, despite the higher risks of hysterectomy, hemorrhage, and infection, as well as the elevated expense. San Francisco General’s maternity ward, however, stands as an outlier by following evidence-based medicine that suggests decreasing C-sections and has also shifted from a pay-per-service incentive for the doctors to a salary or shift position.

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  • In Florida Tomato Fields, a Penny Buys Progress

    For decades, migrant workers in Florida have been employed under dreadful conditions, picking produce without breaks under extreme temperatures and women being sexually harassed. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers has demanded that growers increase wages, mandate rest breaks, and prohibit sexual harassment. The Coalition has partnered with big food companies, notably McDonald’s, Yum Brands, and Walmart, which have pledged to buy only from growers who follow these standards.

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  • The Quinoa Quarrel

    The solution is quinoa, the problem is a bit more complicated. As the human population increases alongside environmental challenges like water scarcity and climate change, quinoa shines as the answer to what can withstand these looming problems. But who owns this crop and do they have to share? Native to the Altiplano region in South America, this plant must be adapted to live and thrive successfully elsewhere. Despite controversy over the rights to the seed, several researchers and farmers are working to ensure the seed lives on even if the dispute drags on.

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  • From fish to pipes, Minnesota firms see opportunity in growing water challenge

    Creating an indoor aquaculture operation in an old brewery is, oddly enough, using surprisingly little water.

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  • Tackling Mass Incarceration

    Deep-end youth frequently have extensive criminal records, incomplete education histories and no formal work experience. These backgrounds make them hard to retain in programs and even more difficult to place in gainful employment if/when they are released from prison.

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  • The Himalayas' Hidden Hunger

    In Nepal, a nation of farmers, undernutrition leaves children stunted and at lifelong risk. A nationwide survey aims to track this problem and use a comprehensive approach to tackle it.

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  • Coral cultivation offers hope to devastated western Indian Ocean reefs

    Warming water has led to the collapse of coral reef systems in the western Indian Ocean, essential to fisheries, protecting shorelines, and reducing beach erosion and sea-level rise. Marine scientists from Nature Seychelles, as part of an international project to protect and restore the reefs, are promoting varieties of coral that they have found to be resistant to the rise in temperature.

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  • After the Delhi gang rape, Indian TV dramas go feminist

    India’s television serials are ubiquitous and wildly influential, bringing families of every background together every night. For some producers and screenwriters, that reach comes with responsibility, as they use their medium to fight rape and gendered violence.

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  • In the Pastures of Colombia, Cows, Crops, and Timber Coexist

    Colombia’s National Development Plan for cattle ranching seeks to reduce pasture land from 94 million acres to 70 million acres while increasing cattle numbers from 23 million head to 40 million. The program focuses on planting trees on grazing land and the "cut and carry method," whereby farmers grow fields of shrubs and distribute the fresh cuttings to cows in pastures. The result is greater cattle productivity and a more eco-friendly farming system.

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