Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • These tenants are organizing to restore safety in their Nanaimo complex

    Residents at a subsidized nonprofit family housing complex organized to address safety and drug-use issues that began with the pandemic. Residents use a Facebook chat to communicate and will often warn each other of suspicious activity. They also record every incident in writing, pictures, and video, -- which are shared with the landlord, building manager, the police, and the media – and they maintain a visible presence to ensure visitors know they are seen. As a result, the nonprofit has provided more onsite security and better lighting and two of the four most disruptive tenants at have been evicted.

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  • New study identifies need for more attorneys to represent people facing housing legal woes

    The Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy uses limited funding to provide lawyers to renters facing eviction. Preventing homelessness is more cost effective than providing services for people experiencing homelessness, and avoiding eviction prevents long-term credit problems. The attorneys provide a level of security to renters by helping them navigate the complex legal system and connecting them to other public services. Some are advocating for a "right to counsel" law, like one recently adopted in Louisville and paid for with federal pandemic funds, which guarantees free lawyers to people facing eviction.

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  • How to Resolve Community Conflicts

    Community organizing effectively blocked many development projects on O‘ahu that, while involving desirable outcomes like renewable energy, public parks, or affordable housing, failed to consider input from local communities about the potential impact of the developments. Some developers engage local stakeholders early and often in the process, finding that small changes to plans can sometimes avoid conflict altogether. Companies, such as Hawaiian Electric, require community outreach in the first stage of all projects, which has led to the creation of long-term value and positive social impact programs.

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  • A Program in Detroit Provides Urgently Needed Care for Caregivers

    Daybreak is a respite care program that offers daytime services for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The affordable alternative to long-term care facilities provides seniors a place to go during the day where they can engage in activities that stimulate their minds. It also gives caregivers a needed short-term break from the oftentimes stressful and emotional work of care giving, to focus on their own needs and obligations. The programming ranges from exercise programs to music and art therapy. The staff also provides direct support to the caregivers, helping connect them to available of resources.

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  • How Project Dastaan is helping survivors of the 1947 India-Pakistan partition reconnect to their ancestral homes

    Refugees and survivors of the 1947 India-Pakistan partition reconnect to their homes through virtual reality footage of their homes and villages. The initiative, Project Dastaan, seeks to provide emotional closure to people who had to flee their homes in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. It also allows the children and grandchildren of survivors to gain a better understanding of their own histories and the trauma experienced by their loved ones. The digital experiences aim to raise awareness of the impact of the conflict and promote peace between the countries.

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  • Athens Reuse is Taking Junk, Turning it into Treasure For Teachers — And Now Creatives

    The Athens Teacher Reuse Store provides free supplies for local public, private, and homeschool teachers in need of teaching materials. The store is opening up to local artists as well.

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  • 'One generation away'

    Diné College, the first tribally-controlled accredited college, provides over 1,300 students with opportunities to learn cultural traditions and the Navajo language, alongside traditional academic subjects. The school helps preserve the Navajo language, arts, skills, and customs by teaching it to younger generations. Learning Navajo traditions and language helps students make stronger connections with elders and they find the Indigenous philosophies that the school was founded on useful for overcoming obstacles, like finding ways to continue their education during the coronavirus pandemic.

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  • Deaths of Despair: The crushing toll of a pandemic in Maine's ‘forgotten county'

    Police Chief Bob Fitzsimmons personally connects with residents to combat increasing suicide rates, particularly among teens. Teachers reach out to the chief if one of the town’s 330 schoolchildren misses school, and he personally visits their home. His department funded popcorn and ice-cream sundae parties, as well as a New Year’s Day gathering, to ease the difficulty of isolation during COVID-19. He ensures residents’ achievements are publicly celebrated and grieves with families during tragedies, ensuring everyone has support in the rural area where medical and mental health services are scarcer.

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  • Co-Governing to Build Back Better

    The city of York trained volunteers to help identify causes and solutions to loneliness and social isolation, an issue with public health consequences. Volunteers conducted research and spoke to 1,000 fellow residents and 100 other stakeholders to identify community knowledge and priorities. Working closely with local partners, volunteers helped design and implement solutions, including pairing young runners with isolated older citizens to serve as coaches and provide motivation. Participants reported positive outcomes, like feeling less lonely and experiencing improved well-being.

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  • What Other States Can Learn from Georgia's Historic Elections

    A complex combination of successful fundraising campaigns, engaging with and energizing Black voters, and mobilizing the state’s other ethnic and racial groups helped Democrats flip Georgia blue in 2020. Large financial investments allowed organizers to implement effective voter education and registration campaigns and distribute the resources to areas where the need to mobilize voters was greatest. Organizers tapped into Black culture through food, music, and the Black church to energize voters. They also conducted multiracial, multi-ethnic, and multilingual outreach to engage other marginalized groups.

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