Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A city where all the traffic lights are green? The tech is live in Lakewood and coming soon to other Colorado cities

    In Lakewood, Colorado, Audi vehicles using new Vehicle-to-Everything technology tell drivers the ideal driving speed at which they can hit all green lights. The technology also counts down red light wait times and improves the traffic flow and congestion throughout the city.

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  • Norway recycles 97% of its plastic bottles: a blueprint for the rest of the world?

    Infinitum, a Norwegian company, aims to create a never-ending loop of plastic reuse and their deposit hub recycles 97 percent of the country’s plastic drink bottles. While critics question the focus on continuing to produce plastic since it relies on fossil fuels, similar collection schemes in other countries could reduce plastic waste.

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  • The Netherlands Pays People To Bike To Work

    To encourage commuters to shift from driving to biking, cities across Europe have tried out a mileage fee earned for commuting via bicycle, often tax-free. Leaders are learning this needs to be coupled with other incentives, such as consistent bike lanes. Additionally, urban planners are hoping to minimize disincentives to biking, like free car parking.

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  • What Colorado can learn from “red flag” gun laws in other states as lawmakers debate passing their own version

    Around the country, a dozen states have passed “red flag” gun laws. These laws allow officials to temporarily take away legally owned guns from individuals who are deemed either at-risk of suicide, or a danger to others. Colorado is the most recent state to introduce a similar law to legislation, and if passed would allow law enforcement to initially seize guns for 14 days while a judge hears the case.

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  • Berkeley's sugary soda consumption plummeted after tax, study says

    California marks the first state in the United States to join the ranks of other countries such as Mexico that saw a significant decline in soda sales and increase in water sales after enacting a sugar tax. Critics of the tax have voiced concerns about the policy's impact on small business owners and infringement on consumer choice, but lawmakers are still moving forward with expanding the tax statewide.

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  • In a world drowning in trash, these cities have slashed waste by 80 percent

    What started as a far-out concept in Berkeley, California, the goal of becoming zero-waste has spread to cities across the world. The idea makes individuals, communities, and governments think differently about what they do with their garbage and take responsibility for their environments. In places like Shikoku, an island in Japan, they’ve implemented waste categorization, creating 34 different categories to help residents more effectively recycle and reuse their waste.

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  • Taxing empty apartments could ease the housing crisis

    Cities with large numbers of empty apartments look to Vancouver's apartment tax, which taxes owners for unused apartment space. After the tax was put in place, the number of unoccupied apartments in Vancouver went down, and the city raised $38 million in tax revenue - most of which will go to affordable housing programs.

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  • Extra arts education boosts students' writing scores — and their compassion, big new study finds

    An initiative in House schools that gives students access to the arts in the classroom has positively affected students' ability to concentrate, write, and even show compassion to one another. The initiative, known as the Houston Arts Access Initiative, encourages schools to provide exposure to dance, music, and visual arts to encourage creative and kind interaction.

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  • Conversations about Confederate Monuments in the Former Confederate Capital

    In the midst of heated debates surrounding the removal of Confederate monuments in Richmond, Virginia, a partnership between a university design collective and a community nonprofit welcomed student suggestions to keep conversation flowing - and respectful. Students submitted ideas to redesign Monument Avenue, a historical boulevard lined with Confederate statues, in a way that takes into account race, cultural history and the modern community.

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  • How To Get Meat Eaters To Eat More Plant-Based Foods? Make Their Mouths Water

    Red meat consumption requires a great deal of water and land resources to produce and is even responsible for a large amount of greenhouse gases. To combat this, the Better Buying Lab is experimenting with marketing strategies to get people to buy more vegetarian and vegan items. After rebranding food with sensory descriptors like "Cuban" or "grilled", sales increased 13% in California and 76% in the UK. Influential brands like Panera are now increasing their efforts to continue this trend.

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