Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Babies Teaching Kindness in Class

    As part of an anti-bullying campaign in 1,400 Toronto elementary schools, teachers are bringing infants to the front of the classroom. Instructors ask students to identify the babies' feelings and emotions with the goal of increasing empathy and emotional awareness within the classroom. "A baby is a great unifier... Whatever there different friendship groups or backgrounds, they all share this love for Naomi [the featured baby]." Studies have shown that the program reduces aggression and violence in participating students.

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  • Afraid of Falling? For Older Adults, the Dutch Have a Cure

    Slightly more than eighteen percent of the Dutch population is sixty-five or older and with this aging demographic comes new challenges. To combat the very serious risks that living alone and aging poses to seniors, the Netherlands has seen the rise of a new class: one that teaches elderly people how to fall.

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  • Iceland has largely kicked teen drinking. What can it teach other countries?

    In the late 1990s, Iceland had both a high rate of teen alcohol abuse and a lackadaisical attitude towards that abuse. Responses to these issues included instituting a curfew, investment in after school activities, and programs to change parent attitudes. The result has been a large decrease in alcohol use among teens and a strengthening of family relationships.

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  • Bump, Tumble, Go Faster! In Egypt, Roller Derby Is Real Life

    For young women in Egypt, outlets for their frustrations can be extremely limited under a political climate that oppresses freedom of expression, and in a culture where sexual harassment is rampant and systemic. The Cairo women's roller derby team is providing a welcome opportunity to vet physical energy, strengthen the bonds of sisterhood, and empower a diverse range of women through sport.

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  • Lifting Up Community Voices to Tackle Injustice

    This article uses the stories of five different activist women across the United States as examples of successes using the human-centered design strategy of centering the people most directly affected in the decision-making and healing process. The women work in a variety of justice areas (from housing equity to incarceration), but they all testify to a community justice model as being the most effective and empowering solution to past and current injustices.

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  • How training bystanders can stop rape and sexual violence on campus

    As cases of sexual violence on college campuses gain greater attention, one program aims to learn from past failures in order to train bystanders to act in the face of this violence. Green Dot, originally piloted at the University of Kentucky, implements a two-stage process to teach students and faculty exactly how to implement "distraction, delegation, and direct intervention" if they see something suspicious.

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  • Kenyan Man Breaks Taboo, Builds Pit Latrines for Villagers

    After learning that poor hygiene and sanitation practices often leads to an increase in diseases, on man in Kenya decided to install pit latrines for his community to lead by example. This practice, along with other approaches such as handwash stations, has now spread to other communities and has shown a decrease in illnesses throughout the villages.

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  • To Save Their Water Supply, Colorado Farmers Taxed Themselves

    Colorado is only now recovering from a 16-year long drought that resulted in the aquifer irrigation system becoming increasingly dry. Until the farmers decided to tax themselves for water consumption, realizing that saving water now and taxing themselves would protect their farms and livelihood in the long run.

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  • In Oregon, You Can Now Save for Retirement. Unless You Object.

    More than half of Americans struggle - especially in recent years with considerable economic and political changes to systems like Social Security - to save for retirement, and it costs states millions in public assistance programs. Oregon is piloting a new solution where the government helps private companies facilitate a small, automatic deduction from employees paychecks and sets it aside into savings, which is proving especially helpful for small businesses in helping their workers plan for retirement.

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  • In Africa, Rural Clinics Entice Pregnant Women With ‘Baby Pictures'

    Pregnant women in rural African villages tend not to seek medical services until they are in labour, but there are many services that should be performed earlier in the pregnancy in order to help ensure the survival of the mother and child. Bridge to Health Medical and Dental is a charity that brings temporary clinics to these areas and advertises their ultrasounds as an opportunity for mother's to 'see your baby' in order to entice mother's to come.

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