Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can optical illusions trick drivers into slowing down?

    Lead-footed drivers are a problem everywhere, and cities around the world have struggled with ways to get vehicles to slow down, especially in dense areas where the risks to pedestrians are acute. One clever solution is popping up on numerous roads around the world: 3D decals on the pavement that look like floating blocks, speed bumps, or small children. The decals create an optical illusion that is proving to help slow down speedy drivers, and for a fraction of the cost of speed bumps or traffic cops.

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  • ‘We can't just keep doing what we've been doing': King County tries risky alternative to youth jail

    As Seattle’s Central District continues plans to expand their juvenile detention center, one prosecutor is looking for ways to keep kids out of it. "Our system has proven woefully inadequate, so we can’t just keep doing what we’ve been doing," explains Jimmy Hung, the prosecutor behind this hope. Hung, in partnership with the chief deputy prosecutor, faith workers, police officers and the director of King County’s juvenile detention center are now piloting peace circles with incoming detained juveniles with a goal of seeing a behavior and lifestyle switch.

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  • Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety?

    Anxiety is growing amongst adolescents, possibly due to the rise of the smartphone. Teachers and parents are struggling to find help for anxious teens, Mountain Valley is a treatment facility that involves group therapy, exposure therapy and more to help reduce their patient's anxiety.

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  • The Viking club where men fight their demons

    As the family unit in Western society is increasingly fractured, many suffering from stress, anger, and trauma often must find to alternative ways to build community and find belonging. One unique example is the Viking Festival in Wolin, Poland. More than just an event, the coordinated battles and revival of craftsmanship have allowed many to channel aggression and frustration in a constructive manner, and even helped some to rebuild their lives.

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  • Wichita Art Project Brings Fresh Look at the River

    While the passage of the Arkansas River through downtown Wichita is a natural place for activity, it took attractions to get people to come. The ArkArt project developed art installations along the river beautifying the location and providing a hook to drive pedestrian traffic.

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  • Neo-Nazis in Your Streets? Send in the (Coup Clutz) Clowns

    Fighting back at far right demonstrators can give them the optics and attention they want. Using humour to counter others is a tool used around the world in a myriad of contexts.

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  • Taking Advantage Of Behavioral Economics Can Get Aid To More People In Poverty

    To successfully address some of our most pressing social, economic, and health issues, simply making resources available is not always enough. Behavioral science is helping non-profits and other organizations to leverage natural human traits and tendencies to increase successful adoption of life-improving initiatives in fields from healthcare to development finance.

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  • This Police Department Is A Smash Hit On Social Media

    Bangalore's police department had an image problem and their successes weren't reaching the public. Crowd Kart Media took over their social media making memes, popular shows, and humor in order to help the department's image, which sparked a huge rise in their facebook and twitter followings.

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  • Learning to defuse Islamophobia

    Most bus stops have an array of ads, but in Boston one sign reads “What to do if you are witnessing Islamophobic harassment.” The message is part of a part of a public awareness campaign rolled out by the city, which illustrates “how bystanders could help a victim of anti-Muslim behavior.”

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  • This N.H. town couldn't ‘bear' it any longer — so it passed an ordinance

    A number of towns across northern New England struggled with furry invaders ripping into trash bins and dumpsters, which not only scattered litter and left a big mess, but increased the risk of dangerous encounters between humans and bears. When educational initiatives and voluntary compliance proved ineffective, Lincoln passed an ordinance requiring residents and businesses to secure their garbage - or face a fine. The bylaws have proven to be the most effective method for deterring the hungry forest critters.

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