Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Michigan caregivers got a $2 hourly boost in COVID. Should it be permanent?

    The Michigan state legislature temporarily boosted the pay of direct caregivers working with seniors and people that have disabilities by $2 an hour in recognition of their essential and sometimes risky services during the coronavirus pandemic. With about half of direct caregivers living at or near poverty, the pay bump was temporarily renewed at the slightly higher rate of $2.25 an hour, but it is set to expire again in September 2021. The governor has proposed making permanent a pay raise of $2 an hour, which helps the caregivers meet their own basic needs a little better.

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  • We Can Eliminate Child Poverty

    Cash payments have proven to be effective in decreasing child poverty rates. Eastern Cherokee families in North Carolina receive bi-annual casino profits which have led to multiple positive outcomes that were not shared by other families living nearby. In Canada, national poverty rates dropped by 20 percent after the introduction of the Canada Child Benefit which provides cash to families depending on their income.

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  • Using satellite photos to help distribute cash

    Togo distributed money to people in need, including informal sector workers, by identifying them using machine learning. Algorithms search satellite photos for clues of poverty, using measures like building density, and individuals within those areas are found using mobile phone data as a proxy of their wealth. Media campaigns also encourage people to apply for assistance. Once eligibility is confirmed, the first of five monthly payments is instantly sent to their phone and can be collected at local pick-up points. People without mobile phones can use an inexpensive SIM card in a borrowed phone.

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  • Why This County Is Giving Foster Youth $1,000 A Month, No Strings Attached

    A pilot program in Santa Clara County, California, is providing a guaranteed monthly income to young adults who age out of the foster care system. In addition to $1,000 the recipients will also have access to financial advice. This particular demographic was chosen for the pilot program based on statistics that show foster care youth are susceptible to homelessness and mental illness in part due to a lack of a support system.

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  • California job seekers found new careers with help from a rent relief program. Here's how

    Rent relief payments in California are helping public housing residents pursue full-time employment. The Jobs-Plus initiative provides payments that are conditional on enrolling in job training and placement programs. An increased income often disqualifies public housing residents from benefits and subsidies such as food stamps, childcare, and discounted rent rates which can negate the increased income from higher wages or more hours. Rent relief empowers residents to build a security net for themselves in addition to pursing full-time employment without the strain of losing much-needed benefits.

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  • Results From The City That Just Gave Away Cash

    A guaranteed income pilot program in Stockton, California, resulted in improved mental health and even increased full-time employment rates. The extra cash gave recipients who were struggling with poverty the mental and financial bandwidth to apply for jobs, take a shift off for an interview, and even granted some the extra free time needed to pursue advanced degrees.

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  • When a California city gave people a guaranteed income, they worked more — not less

    A guaranteed income pilot program in Stockton increased full-time employment rates amongst recipients. Cash payments provided “the stability they needed to set goals, take risks, and find new jobs.” In addition to employment, guaranteed income also improves mental health and stimulates local economies, sending out positive ripple effects in a community.

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  • The Biggest Payoff From Stockton's Basic Income Program: Jobs

    A guaranteed income pilot program in Stockton increased full-time employment rates among recipients. Cash payments improved mental health and gave participants the stability, bandwidth, and time to apply and interview for jobs.

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  • Stockton's Basic-Income Experiment Pays Off

    A pilot project provided residents who made less than the median income in Stockton, California, with monthly cash payments. The extra money helped recipients secure employment, avoid housing instability, handle unexpected expenses that would otherwise derail their budgets, reduce debt, improve mental health, and help friends and family when necessary. A nationwide initiative is expanding the program to other cities as well.

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  • The Streets Are My Home: Evictions, Homelessness and COVID

    Restore Hope Ministries worked to prevent homelessness and evictions during the COVID-19 pandemic by using private donations, foundation grants, and CARES Act funds to provide rental assistance to 1,422 households. Each household received up to several months of rent, totaling $3.5 million in assistance, and targeting populations and neighborhoods most vulnerable to eviction and homelessness. The Tulsa Day Center also pivoted due to the pandemic and sheltered people identified as most vulnerable in place day and night, while working with the city and county to open up and run an overflow shelter.

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