Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • No Resolution in Sight for International Climate Finance

    Climate financing, determining which nations pay and which nations receive, is a challenge for the United Nations. The World Bank created a Pilot Auction Fund, which competitively allocates credit in an online auction, using the returns to fund projects that reduce emissions.

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  • Big Bet Philanthropy: How More Givers Are Spending Big And Taking Risks To Solve Society's Problems

    For the superrich and the biggest U.S. charitable foundations, donating to universities, hospitals and cultural institutions is the norm. Less common are donations targeted at "social change" such as alleviating poverty or tackling global warming - but that is beginning to change. An in-depth study from the Bridgespan Group is showing how big bets in philanthropy are paying off, as well as what factors - such as a close donor-recipient relationship - are key to success.

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  • Cash Cards For Syrian Refugees

    In a creative twist, Syrian refugees are being given cash cards to spend as they wish rather than being given food boxes or in-kind donations. Agencies and refugees themselves say that it gives them dignity and choice, which are important in the survival process. It was also much more efficient and cheaper to distribute money than buying food. This podcast cites a study done to prove its efficacy, talks to a couple refugee families, and notes that results could vary from country to country.

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  • For Refugees in Lebanon, Cash Instead of Camps.

    In Lebanon, services for refugees are often misguided and ineffective. To address this issue, the country created a cash-debit card allowance for refugees, providing a more appropriate resource than the typical aid program.

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  • Save the refugees, become a banker

    Research has shown that "feel good altruism" is making you feel good but is not helping people in need. In order to pivot towards "effective altruism," one must question many factors like effectiveness, beneficiaries, consequences, the probability of success, and areas of neglect. The most effective altruism just might be donating to impactful charities with measurable outcomes.

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  • How the Most Dangerous Place on Earth Got Safer

    The gang-driven violence in Honduras has caused thousands to migrate to the United States. In the last three years, with emergency international aid from the United States, Honduras has experienced a 62 percent drop in homicides and has witnessed a decrease in the number of migrants entering the United States. The aid has gone toward community improvement projects and outreach centers, such as providing items for soccer games and other activities that dissuade gangsters from fighting each other. It also has supported more effective prosecution of homicides.

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  • The surprisingly simple economic case for giving refugees cash, not stuff

    In the Middle East, refugee camps are expensive to run-- particularly because shipping food aid is expensive, and the refugees feel victimized in an environment where they have no agency or purchasing power. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has moved refugees in Jordan out of camps and has given cash instead of in-kind aid, and new possibilities emerge with mobile money by the aid of new technology. The results have shown that refugees feel more empowered and the costs associated with their aid are reduced.

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  • What will the evidence say about a universal basic income?

    GiveDirectly is launching this basic income pilot with more than 6,000 Kenyan households for the next 10 to 15 years, building on its experience with unconditional cash transfers and randomized control trials in Kenya and Uganda.

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  • A radical approach to gun crime: paying people not to kill each other

    Richmond, California’s Office of Neighborhood Safety uses controversial monthly cash stipends among the incentives it gives to young men it’s trying to steer away from street violence. While the program's first years were associated with steep drops in shootings and homicides, critics question whether ONS deserves the credit and whether it can be replicated in other cities. A deep look at how it works finds evidence that it does make a positive difference while operating in a complex arena of advances and setbacks.

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  • Welcome to Welfare Utopia

    States deal with poverty and employment differently, depending on their state legislature and, historically, their racial composition. Oregon is a predominantly white state with some of the most generous welfare and employment programs available in the union. Giving states the option of flexibility with their anti-poverty programs can cause some to reduce their safety nets, but Oregon serves as a model for bipartisan cooperation on generous welfare and employment reforms.

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