Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • An L.A. Story: Unions Show Signs of Life

    The minimum wage issue has been debated endlessly, with arguments both for and against its effectiveness. An increase, tested in some states and enacted in others, immeasurably betters the quality of life for low-income families.

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  • ‘A National Admissions Office' for Low-Income Strivers

    Attending college is not always a given option for gifted teenagers from less-than-wealthy backgrounds. National organization QuestBridge creates a way for low-income and minority high-achieving students to go to their dream colleges free of cost.

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  • Did this city bring down its murder rate by paying people not to kill?

    Since Richmond, California’s Office of Neighborhood Safety began paying stipends to its “fellows” – the dozens of young men it works with at any given time who are deemed to be at high risk of gun-violence involvement – nearly all of its subjects have survived. Other evidence of its success is anecdotal or merely suggestive of an effect on the city’s violence. While the police chief warily credits it for being a positive force, others in the community are skeptical, if not outright antagonistic.

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  • Brazil's poverty solution? Give money to women

    In Brazil a conditional cash-transfer program is alleviating poverty, empowering women, and changing gender roles by giving families, especially mothers, money for sending kids to school and to regular doctor's visits.

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  • Brazil's Government Gives Money to Women Because 'They're More Reliable'

    In Brazil, a decade-long conditional cash transfer program called Bolsa Familia is helping families get out of poverty -- and helping empower women in the process. Although the central premise of the program - that women are more reliable than men when spending money meant for their children - has been criticized, there is some evidence that the cash transfers are helping women be more independent and boosting their social status.

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  • The Best Fix for High Unemployment? Prevent Companies From Laying Off Workers

    The unemployment crisis is a hard thing to solve - businesses sometimes have no choice but to let workers go. An innovative program tries to prevent joblessness by temporarily paying a portion of workers’ salaries at struggling companies.

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  • What Happens When You Just Give Money To Poor People?

    GiveDirectly, a non-profit organization, was simply giving impoverished people money intending for them to buy their own needs. Research shows that, contrary to popular belief, people are spending this money on what it was intended for instead of alcohol or other negative items.

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  • Living-wage' movement growing in region

    In the past five years, as federal and state minimum wage levels failed to keep pace with the cost of living, and as the recession took its toll, the living wage movement has accelerated. Across the United States, more than 125 cities and counties have enacted ordinances or passed ballot initiatives to lift the wages of the working poor.

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  • The Benefits of Cash Without Conditions

    Conditional cash transfers – giving the poor money if they do things that will make their children less poor, such as keep them in school – are the world’s most successful and widespread social program. Could it be possible, however, that the conditions aren’t necessary – just giving the poor money works just as well? In some circumstances, the answer seems to be yes.

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  • When Food Isn't the Answer to Hunger

    In a lot of places, food is available and the market is working but people are too poor to buy it, so cash donations are more effective than food. Previously U.S. aid laws did not allow cash donations but a new proposal could change that.

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