Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Uganda Attempts to Shut Down Controversial Silicon Valley-Funded Schools

    Well-known Silicon Valley companies started the Bridge International Academies in 2007, an experimental school model, across some East African countries in an attempt to increase the quality of education, while promising a cost of $6-7 monthly per student. Bridge has now opened over 520 schools, serves over 100,000 students, and consistently showed rising graduation rates and testing performance, but its system of tablet-centered education and standardized curriculum has received criticism from its own teachers and government officials, who are weary of releasing control of their country's education system.

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  • The Arab World Turns to Its People for Solutions

    Tamer Taha is using social media to connect small business with innovators. He created a platform called Yomken, it acts like a marketplace where “innovators...showcase their ideas and creations.” So far, the network has 3,500 innovators.

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  • Here's one idea to make ‘Storrowing' a thing of the past

    A persistent problem in Massachusetts of trucks going through tunnels or underpasses that are too low for safe clearance has prompted officials to look to Sydney, Australia for a possible solution. Officials in that city worked with a private company to develop a system where if a truck is too tall, it triggers a warning so officials can activate a sheet of water at the tunnel entrance upon which is projected the holographic image of a giant red Stop sign. It's proven successful in stopping drivers before they enter the tunnel.

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  • Watch: Robots are becoming companions and care takers across Japan

    With a rapidly aging population, Japanese senior services are turning to innovative technology to expand the capacity to care for seniors as well as increase quality of life. VR technology takes seniors on trips to locations around the world, while robots in living facilities provide companionship as well as protection for residents.

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  • In 2011 Preston hit rock bottom. Then it took back control

    In 2011, when a huge plan for a sprawling shopping mall halted after the financial crisis, Preston’s future looked bleak. That is, until Matthew Brown, a local government leader, decided to spend money locally, an idea that drastically reshaped the city’s economy. The city council “ adopted a guerrilla localism,” and it paid off. By changing procurement practices and business methods, Preston has become a model for how to turn around a failing city.

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  • Tech Support for an Ailing Planet

    The advancement of technology has created the capability to consider solutions never before possible. Conservation X Labs, a startup based in Washington, D.C., has committed their focused on marrying the worlds of conservation and technology, to combat mounting concerns of international poaching and deforestation. While the scaling of the technology is stagnated largely due to the expense of technology, progress has been made and devices are actively being piloted.

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  • New development pairs public housing, library with aim of fostering community

    In Chicago, three new projects are mixing affordable housing and a library in the same building. It is hoped that this will foster a sense of community as well as create job opportunities and programming for residents.

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  • These kids are hoping to save Galapagos tortoises — and their own home — from climate change

    Tortoises as well as other species native to Ecuador’s Galápagos Islands are facing increasingly critical threats due to climate change. Thanks to a program that is embedded in the Galapagos school system, however, high school students are playing a major role in collecting important data on the species while also becoming experts in climate change mitigation.

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  • The controversial Silicon Valley-funded quest to educate the world's poorest kids

    Founded by Silicon Valley veterans and funders in 2007 to serve the world's poorest students and most under-resourced teachers, Bridge International Academies now operates 600 low-cost private schools in Kenya, Nigeria, Liberia, Uganda, and India. In Bridge's model, teachers read scripted lessons developed abroad directly from their tablets. While supporters say Bridge is delivering an otherwise unavailable service, at scale, and is seeing improved scores and teacher attendance, critics fear Bridge takes the human element out of learning, strips teachers of agency and fails to teach critical thinking skills.

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  • Bioeconomy: A global trend?

    Bioeconomy is the practice of using biological processes and organic materials to reduce waste, and it's gaining traction as a means of business. Finland is home to one of the largest bioproduct mills, where "a whole ecosystem of companies" work together on projects such as converting sustainably logged wood into pulp before selling it to Europe and Asia and producing solid biofuels which will eventually create electricity.

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