Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Engineering solutions for the future of modern medicine

    The healthcare world is highly innovative right now as it tries to make medicine more personalized and harnesses engineering. Hitachi is trying to aggregate data in order to prevent disease and help the healthcare system function better.

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  • Breast cancer once killed far more black women than white women in Chicago. Here's how that changed.

    In Chicago, the disparity in mortality rates between white and black women who contracted breast cancer was once disturbingly high, one of the worst in the nation . But ten years of fostering partnerships between the city and groups like the Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force has helped make Chicago a leader in creating more equal access to services like mammograms, support groups, and assistance with open enrollment for health care.

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  • This all-women's college is training Rwanda's future leaders

    The Akilah Institute, the first all-female college in Rwanda, is empowering women to be financially independent through training in entrepreneurship, the hospitality industry and information technology.

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  • One woman's simple recipe for a happy street

    In an attempt to fight childhood obesity and social isolation in Bristol, the organization Playing Out is helping kids exercise more. They are creating a way for children to safely be physically active in their neighborhoods by closing off streets at certain times each week. The UK government created a system for streets to apply just one time for weekly events, and now the system has spread to 40 UK local authorities and cities around the world, including Toronto.

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  • Argentina is using tech to teach its youth about sex, drugs, and violence

    Knowledge about sex, drugs and violence is alarmingly low in Argentina and surrounding areas, which has caused the government and other organizations to step in. Hablemos de Todo is an interactive online resource that provides information on a myriad of topics, plus a place for people to anonymously ask experts questions.

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  • In Oregon, You Can Now Save for Retirement. Unless You Object.

    More than half of Americans struggle - especially in recent years with considerable economic and political changes to systems like Social Security - to save for retirement, and it costs states millions in public assistance programs. Oregon is piloting a new solution where the government helps private companies facilitate a small, automatic deduction from employees paychecks and sets it aside into savings, which is proving especially helpful for small businesses in helping their workers plan for retirement.

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  • Yachters Are Sailing to the Rescue of Hurricane-Ravaged Islands

    The 2017 hurricane season resulted in damage to the Caribbean. YachtAid and Superyacht Aid Coalition are comprised of people who volunteer their yachts to bring supplies and aid to these damaged regions.

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  • How Bourbon and Big Data Are Cleaning Up Louisville

    The city of Louisville, built and sustained largely by pollution-inducing industries such as rubber factories and bourbon distilleries, is grappling with how to make the city air cleaner. The novel Air Louisville study integrated a partnership between a technology healthcare startup and a government-sponsored initiative that tracked incidence of asthma in different areas of the city. The results are already leading to healthier residents, but it is also just the starting point for long-term change.

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  • A Smarter Smart City

    Philadelphia is one of the poorest cities. Its poverty is a huge concern and feeds into many of the negative aspects of the city. The city is now looking to Smart Cities technology such as smart streetlights, to provide information to various government sectors, which helps them implement new strategies to tackle this problem.

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  • For Karachi's poorest patients, this hospital makes high-quality care accessible

    In Karachi, Pakistan’s Jinnah hospital, a private-public partnership between the government and the business sector have brought in over $35 million in donations. Those donations have led to new equipment, buildings, and systems infrastructure to make sure the patients – nearly 5,000 per day – are receiving modern medical care. While the partnership is underscored by the risk of one party backing out, both sides have clear roles and responsibilities to make sure the regions residents receive the care they need.

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