Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Instead Of Water Fights, This Ga. Water Agency Shares Its Supply

    Water wars have become a norm throughout the United States as droughts become more prominent due to climate change. By releasing more water back into the environment than required to by law, however, Fayette County has become a model for how lack of greediness and push for collaboration benefits not only the environment but also people and industries.

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  • What Montgomery can learn from Chattanooga's startup success

    Chattanooga's solution to revitalize the city through private-public collaborations could help Montgomery and similar cities do the same. Chattanooga is able to reinvent itself and attract startups and entrepreneurs willing to work together for a common goal, rather than competing.

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  • Foodstuffs: Giving Food Stamp Recipients a Place at Farmers Markets

    While farmers’ markets popularity has increased in the last decade, the higher prices mitigate equal access to such provisions -- and, by extension, the health benefits. As a result, non-profits and farmers' markets across New Hampshire are collaborating with a state program, Granite State Market Watch, to enable low-income food stamp recipients to use the markets. The state matches every dollar worth of stamps, providing needed purchasing power to enjoy the fresh bounty as well as an increased customer base and revenue stream for the local farmers.

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  • Ghost Gear Busters: Paying Fishers to Collect Derelict Nets, Traps

    "Ghost gear" describes the nets, lines, and other debris lost off the back of commercial fishing boats in staggering amounts each year, and it spells death for hundreds of thousands of marine animals and birds who get tangled in it. Previously, there was little financial incentive to pull this litter back out of the water, but a new public-private partnership called Fishing For Energy is paying fishers to gather up ghost gear and help recycle it, as well as developing new technologies to prevent bycatch and educating communities about the issue.

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  • Food pharmacy a possible solution to combat food insecurity, related health issues

    The ProMedica Toledo Hospital increases access to healthy food for low-income families through a novel kind of pharmacy. Patients receive free produce, recipes, and guidance from a dietician on how to treat and prevent diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure while improving eating habits. The food pharmacy serves over 800 people per month, and patients feel better mentally and physically.

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  • Keeping an Eye on What the Arctic Throws Down Iceberg Alley

    Although many know the name of the Titanic, not many are necessarily aware of what happened in the aftermath of the devastating crash. To mitigate against another ship hitting an iceberg, the International Ice Patrol under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea was created. This group monitors icebergs that obstruct the traffic in the trans-Atlantic shipping lanes via flyovers by airplanes conducting ice reconnaissance flights. Due to climate change, however, there has been a recent push for enhanced satellite coverage.

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  • Mexico launches pioneering scheme to insure its coral reef

    Climate change is a mounting threat to coral reefs, which serve not just as critical habitats for ocean life and a draw for the tourism industry, but also as a buffer to the increasing storms caused by changing weather patterns. In the first scheme of its kind, private businesses, nonprofits, and the government in Mexico's Yucatán Penninsula are combining financial resources to take out an insurance policy on their coral reefs. The insurance will help rebuild the reefs after storms and man-made damage, and fund new ways to keep them healthy.

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  • How San Francisco Saved Its Public Housing By Getting Rid of It

    In San Francisco, the city couldn't afford to create or maintain public housing. Using the federal Rental Assistance Demonstration program, San Francisco has been working to effectively privatize public housing while involving non-profits deeply to ensure residents aren't displaced.

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  • Modern clinic in Kenya's last frontier

    In remote areas of Kenya, health care is hard to access and medical professionals and technology have been hard to come by. A new partnership between the government, Phillips, and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has resulted in a new health care centre with state of the art technology, health care training systems, and more personnel to better serve women and children.

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  • The Hang Out Cure: Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld Has An Idea Local Politicians Need To Hear

    Rare are the days of cordiality towards opposing party politicians within American government. Specifically, a shift has occurred in which politicians no longer know each other, which can have detrimental effects on governing and deal-making. To this end, former Massachusetts Governor William Weld has recently promoted the importance of spending time with fellow politicians, in order to increase bipartisanship and function better in government. This is exemplified by his proposal and seven year old practice of “hangout sessions,” weekly meetings in which politicians with opposing viewpoints come together.

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