Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Great Los Angeles Revolt Against Cars

    Los Angeles has faced deepening issues of severe traffic and extreme smog pollution in the past several decades, but for years intentions and promises to broadly improve transportation have fallen flat. At long last, the most congested city in the world - once home to the most extensive urban rail network on the planet - is reviving rail lines and trains as a solution to both issues. Robust public transport has proven to have multi-layered economic, cultural, environmental, and social benefits to communities.

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  • The New Technology That Promises to Blow up Illegal Fishing

    Illegal fishing is a grave concern that not only threatens to destroy the ocean's ecosystem but the livelihoods of billions of people around the world who depend on stable fish populations for food. Now, software developed in a partnership between Vulcan - a private Seattle-based tech firm - and Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization allows law enforcement to quickly analyze suspicious patterns from the transponders of thousands of ships at a time, using special algorithms that automatically detect is a ship is a high-risk for criminal activity.

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  • In Texas, People With Mental Illness Find Work Helping Peers

    The concept of peer-to-peer support has been leveraged by organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous for decades; but for perhaps the first time, health care systems are leveraging this method to help treat patients with mental illness. Non-profit Via Hope provides training and certification for peer support specialists who go to work in health clinics and hospitals to provide support, counseling, and resources for others suffering from a wide range of mental illnesses. They are already proving as, if not more effective than traditional case managers at helping keep patients out of psychiatric hospitals.

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  • Rising from the ashes, a Buffalo suburb ends its dependence on coal

    When the coal-powered Huntley Generating Station began to shut down, the livelihood of the local community in Tonawanda was greatly threatened; numerous jobs were at stake and looming impacts on the town's largest tax revenue stream meant shuttering schools and choking public services. Local community members organized and, through tenacity and frugal reallocation of resources, diverse groups - including labor unions, politicians, and environmental activists - joined forces in creating a way to sustain and revitalize their community beyond coal.

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  • Pop-Up Bike Network Leads to Permanent Change

    A bike share system as well as a pop-up experiment that added eight miles of temporary bike lanes in Macon, Georgia more than doubled the number of people riding bikes on the streets every day. It also showed county officials bike lanes were viable and desirable and now there are modest plans underway for three miles of permanent bike lanes and advocates are pushing for the county to adopt a complete streets policy for the city.

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  • In Chelsea, coalition aims to save lives on verge of unraveling

    Historically, the numerous nonprofits, charities, and public agencies seeking to address issues such as homelessness, addiction, and hunger have been stuck operating in their own silos, creating more of a reactive rather than preventative system and preventing such organizations from maximizing efficiency. A new model of cooperation and information that originated in Canada is proving highly effective in Chelsea, bringing together various groups and providing a structure for the sharing of resources, so they can better reach and help citizens in need.

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  • How Cleveland has become a leader in trying to eradicate human trafficking

    Largely unbeknownst to the public eye, Cleveland has been battling human trafficking in various forms for many years. Recently, the city has become a leader in trying to eradicate this longstanding problem. Thanks to a small group of activists and nonprofits, using billboards and gift bags as well as other creative methods, these groups are raising awareness, conducting strip club outreach, and creating a victim support network to help make human trafficking an issue of the past.

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  • Reimagining failure: ‘Last-chance' schools are the future of American high schools

    In the last decade, collaborations between non-profit student-support organizations and public schools have fostered a model called "Last-Chance Schools" with remarkable success. The program targets root causes for dropping out, including economic disadvantages, mental health challenges, violence, and unstable home lives. As several Boston charter schools demonstrate, use of social-emotional learning, conflict mediation instead of zero-tolerance discipline, and flexible curricula has helped boost graduation and college acceptance rates while lowering suspensions.

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  • When You're in a Carbon Hole, Stop Digging

    The burning of coal for fuel is one of the world's largest contributors to CO2 emissions, and continues to worsen the detrimental effects of planetary warming. But while many feel hopeless in light of an administration that denies climate change and the billion-dollar companies that continue full steam ahead with mining and burning coal, a few clever individuals present a simple and straightforward solution: buy up the coal while it's still in the ground, and pay the government to keep it there.

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  • Doctors Are Prescribing Park Visits to Boost Patient Health Audio icon

    ParkRx, as one of many new programs spanning several states, allow doctors to give out Park Prescriptions to their patients in order to encourage them to go to parks and get physical activity. These programs are a way to encourage exercise, open patient and doctor dialogues, and reduce the use of medications or procedures.

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